通过放宽依赖项的版本范围、更新依赖项的版本、检查Maven仓库配置和清理Maven本地仓库缓存等方法,可以解决“No versions available within specified range”错误。在使用Maven构建项目时,注意合理配置依赖项和仓库,避免出现类似问题。同时,保持对依赖项和Maven仓库的关注和更新,有助于提高项目的稳定性和可维护性。相关文章...
maven中scomaven中scope取值import maven within specified range,常见的内置注解@Override重写@Deprecated过时@SuppressWarning抑制警告自定义注解使用关键字@interface表示注解注解中含有抽象方法--->属性,属性的定义格式:修饰符数据类型属性名称();如果在定义属性
Apache Maven,是一个软件(特别是Java软件)项目管理及自动构建工具,由Apache软件基金会所提供。基于项目...
、、、 :org.eclipse.xtext.util:jar:[2.10.0] within specified range -> [Help 1]导致错误的maven代码:<repository> <url>h 浏览6提问于2016-09-08得票数0 1回答 从XTEXT2.0项目中删除jdt依赖项 、、、 如何从XTEXT2.0项目中删除JDT依赖项?我尝试遵循提示 (注释11),但是我没有成功地移除JDT依赖。当我...
Failed to collect dependencies at com.atlassian.confluence:confluence:jar:5.8.4 -> com.atlassian.velocity.htmlsafe:velocity-htmlsafe:jar:1.2.3 -> org.apache.velocity:velocity:jar:[1.5,1.6.100): No versions available for org.apache.velocity:velocity:jar:[1.5,1.6....
org.apache.hugegraph:hugegraph-rpc:jar:1.0.0: Failed to collect dependencies at com.alipay.sofa:sofa-rpc-all:jar:5.7.6 -> io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded:jar:1.28.0 -> io.grpc:grpc-core:jar:[1.28.0]: No versions available for io.grpc:grpc-core:jar:[1.28.0] within specified range -> ...
available for io.grpc:grpc-core:jar:[1.39.0] within specified range -> [Help 2] [ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. [ERROR] [ERROR] For more ...
Specify a migration target. At least one migration target must be supplied within the configuration. Thispom.xmlfile differs from the default in the following attributes: inherited: Defined at the plugin level, this attribute indicates whether or not this configuration should be used in child modu...
When running a report in MAVEN, the most common (and important) parameter that you will need to set is what date range you would like to pull the cases for. Different reports pull cases based on different date fields within MAVEN. Understanding which reports pull cases based on which date ...
平时学习记录 ※,Maven的坐标和Maven项目中的包名之间没有任何关系!但是实际应用中当然是保持一致比较好! ※,自己写的不同模块放在一个工程中,使用聚合Maven管理,此时可以不依赖本地Maven仓库就可以编译成功。Maven会根据parent找到所有的(自己写的)模块。需要注意