release:update-versionsUpdate the versions in the POM(s). Maven Release plugin – Plugin Documentation You should specify the version in your project’s plugin configuration: <project> ... <build> <!-- To define the...
xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"><metadata><groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId><artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId><versioning><latest>2.1</latest><release>2.1</release><versions><version>2.0-beta-1</version><version>2.0</version><version>2.0.1</version><version>2.0.2</...
release:branch Create a branch of the current project with all versions updated. release:update-versions Update the versions in the POM(s). Maven Release plugin – Plugin Documentation You should specify the version in ...
site 生命周期有 pre-site、site、post-site 和 site-deploy 四个阶段,其中,site 和 maven-site-plugin:site 相互绑定,site-deploy 和 maven-site-plugin:deploy 相互绑定, maven-site-plugin 有很多目标,其中,site 目标用来生成项目站点, deploy 目标用来将项目站点部署到远程服务器上。site 生命周期阶段与插件目...
site 生命周期有 pre-site、site、post-site 和 site-deploy 四个阶段,其中,site 和 maven-site-plugin:site 相互绑定,site-deploy 和 maven-site-plugin:deploy 相互绑定, maven-site-plugin 有很多目标,其中,site 目标用来生成项目站点, deploy 目标用来将项目站点部署到远程服务器上。site 生命周期阶段与插件目...
release:branchCreate a branch of the current project with all versions updated. release:update-versionsUpdate the versions in the POM(s). Maven Release plugin – Plugin Documentation ...
Maven为一个plugin执行框架,每个task是由plugin执行的。Maven plugin通过下面命令语法执行,可用来创建jar/war包,编译代码,unite test,生成report和doc等。 mvn [plugin-name]:[goal-name] 存在2种类型的plugin: build plugin在build阶段执行并使用<build>元素中配置; report plugin在site阶段执行并在<reporting>元素中...
this would only avoid the problem for people in their local installs. Rather than require everyone to do that, let's instead downgrade to a version of maven-jar-plugin which works fine. We can upgrade it to the latest again once the bug is fixed and ships with the newest Eclipse downloa...
Writing your own strategies (advanced usage)¶↑ A custom strategy must implement the com.ning.maven.plugins.dependencyversionscheck.strategy.Strategy interface and must declare itself as a plexus component. A jar containing a custom strategy can then used as a custom dependency of the plugin: ...
Usage: /Users/houbinbin/IT/learn/nexus/nexus-2.13.0-01-bundle/nexus-2.13.0-01/bin/nexus { console | start | stop | restart | status | dump } logout Saving session... ...copying shared history... ...saving history...truncating history files... ...