maven 官方文档: maven是通过插件 maven-surefire-plugin 来执行单元测试 指定test文件的之间的执行顺序 <plugin>
运行单元测试则会在${basedir}/target/surefire-reports/生成两种格式的测试报告文件: 具体使用详情参看官网:
maven test需要配置maven-surefire-plugin和maven-surefire-report-plugin插件 <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.17</version> <configuration> <suiteXmlFiles> <suiteXmlFile>src/test/java/testng.xml</suite...
maven-surefire-plugin:test 执行测试用例 prepare-package package maven-jar-plugin:jar 创建项目jar包 pre-integration-test integration-test post-integration-test verify install maven-install-plugin:install 将项目输出构件安装到本地仓库 deploy maven-deploy-plugin:deploy 将项目输出构件安装到远程仓库 site pre-...
Usage ofmaven-surefire-plugin,maven-failsafe-plugin,maven-surefire-report-plugin Development Information Build the Surefire project usingMaven 3.6.3+andJDK 8+. In order to run tests for a release check during the Vote, the following memory requirements are needed: ...
Summary Jobs Build on ubuntu-latest Run details Usage Workflow file Triggered via pull request August 29, 2024 08:30 dependabot[bot] synchronize #259 dependabot/maven/main/org.apache.maven.plugins-maven-surefire-plugin-3.5.0 Status Failure Total duration 2m 42s Artifacts – build....
</plugin> </plugins> </reporting> 运行mvn site 命令即可。 5.maven-compiler-plugin 用途: 编译源代码 用法: 几个例子: ...
surefire在一个隔离的类加载器中运行JUnit单元测试 verifier对集成测试有用 -- 校验特定环境的存在性 负责打包的类型/工具 ear为当前项目生成一个EAR jar从当前项目构建一个JAR rar从当前项目构建一个RAR war从当前项目构建一个WAR shade从当前项目构建一个Uber_JAR,包含依赖。(也叫fat jar或super jar) ...
2. Plugin Configuration Maven has two types of plugins: Build – executed during the build process. Examples include Clean, Install, and Surefire plugins. These should be configured in thebuildsection of the POM. Reporting – executed during site generation to produce various project reports. Examp...
sonar-maven-plugin swaroop 43 askedFeb 10, 2021 at 13:05 2votes 1answer 5kviews surefire plugin output: "WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred" I have the following plugins configured in my maven build: <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>sonar-...