当你在使用 Maven 进行构建或依赖管理时遇到状态码 401 和原因短语 unauthorized (401),这通常意味着 Maven 无法通过认证访问某个资源。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤,按照你的提示进行组织: 确认Maven配置中的认证信息是否正确: Maven 的认证信息通常配置在 settings.xml 文件中,该文件位于 Maven 安装目录的 conf ...
关键错误信息2: Could not transfer artifact com.*:*:pom:* from/to snapshots (http://dev-mvn.***.com/content/repositories/snapshots/) 关键错误信息3: Return code is: 401, ReasonPhrase: Unauthorized. -> [Help 1] 提取关键错误信息:Could not transfer …… from/to snapshots …… Return code ...
2023-03-28 Maven400, reason phrase: Repository does not allow updating assets: maven-releases (400) INFO]---[ERROR]Failedto execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy(default-deploy)on project common:Failedto deploy artifacts:Couldnottransfer artifact cn.xxx.xxx:comm...
IntelliJ IDEA: 2021.2.2 JFrog Plugin: 1.10.1 Artifactory: 7.27.3 Xray: 3.31.1 Test connection successfully. When scan maven project, get error: status code: 401, reason phrase: Received 401 HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized response from Xray [E...
(absent): Could not transfer artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:pom:3.3.1 from/to pvstest (https://XXX/XXX/XXX/_packaging/pvstest/maven/v1): status code: 401, reason phrase: Unauthorized (401) -> [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack tr...
Maven依赖拉取报错:... status code: 405, reason phrase: Not Allowed (405) 原因:maven高版本,不再默认允许...
Tomcat return http status error: 401, Reason Phrase: Unauthorized 未授权访问tomcat,即没有tomcat的管理权限,如果没有进行步骤1中的"添加tomcat用户及权限"操作,远程部署时就会报此异常。 还有一种情况,已经在conf/tomcat-users.xml中配置了用户和权限
Tomcat return http status error: 401, Reason Phrase: Unauthorized 未授权访问tomcat,即没有tomcat的管理权限,如果没有进行步骤1中的"添加tomcat用户及权限"操作,远程部署时就会报此异常。 还有一种情况,已经在conf/tomcat-users.xml中配置了用户和权限
出现如下报错: Tomcat return http status error: 405, Reason Phrase: Method Not Allowed: HTTP 405解读 HTTP Error 405 Method not allowed 此HTTP协议定义在web浏览器上的特定URL资源(由客户端发起)上要执行action动作的方法。有下面几种方法: options要求得到一个HTTP方法列表,所请求URL上的东西可以对这些HTTP...
Oh, it says status code: 500, reason phrase: Internal Server Error (500) which a bit more serious than a 404. Let's analyse the logs (infra team) to determine if it is serious enough, reproducible or transient Contributor dduportal commented Mar 29, 2024 • edited I agree that this...