When using Java 9 defaults, though, we’ll get an error: [ERROR] COMPILATION ERROR : [ERROR] .../MavenCompilerPlugin.java:[3,20] package javax.xml is not visible (package javax.xml is declared in module java.xml, but module com.baeldung.maven.java9 does not read it) [ERROR] .../...
package org.apache.commons.math3.util is not visible (package org.apache.commons.math3.util is declared in the unnamed module, but module org.apache.commons.math3.util does not read it) Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 依赖项已由 Maven 下载,我可以在 .m2 文件夹中找到它们。在 ...
您可以尝试以下选项:提供了 Gson 依赖的范围,因此请确保在运行时这将由任何容器提供更新 maven 项目并...
DI (依赖项注入) 是一种在程序设计中被广泛使用的技术,非常适合 Android 开发,该技术可以将依赖项提...
问题是Maven管理的所有依赖项都无法在Java代码中访问。在Eclipse中,我得到了各个类的导入错误:The type org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair is not accessible当我尝试使用Maven构建项目时,我收到错误:package org.apache.commons.math3.util is not visible (package org.apache.commons.math3.util is declared ...
To clarify, does this mean that if my module @foo has a java_library //:library with a Maven dep like @foo_maven//:somepackage, and another module depends on my library as @foo//:library, they'll run into some kind of trouble? So the custom namespace is only suitable if //:...
2个答案)8小时前关门了。这篇文章是8小时前编辑并提交审查的。我是Maven的新手,我需要包括 ...
首先,我先说说,昨天刚接手一个新的项目,在这个项目里因为有maven私服,内外网都需要,所以在弄jar包的时候格外麻烦,之前遇到的所有的问题我都不说了,说一个自己遇到的且无提示自己解决的, 这个画红线的地方,他是死活不让弄,重新打包不行,clean不行,install不行,package不行,刷新jar不行,重新下载也不行,哪哪不...
Different packaging types may have different goals in a particular phase.For example, in the package phase ofjarpackaging type,maven-jar-plugin‘s jar goal is executed. Conversely, for awarproject,maven-war-plugin‘s war goal is executed in the same phase. ...
在Intellij IDEA中配置maven: 打开-File-Settings (1) maven文件夹目录,自动搜索到 (2...