clean:清除target目录的文件 install:生成jar包并安装到本地maven仓库(xx/.m2/xx),可供其他项目调用(install the package into the local repository, for use as a dependency in other projects locally) compile:编译项目(compile the source code of the project) test:执行测试代码(test the compiled source ...
更新策略可以分为两个步骤:(1)更新元文件;(2)更新本地仓库jar包; 更新的步骤是:先更新元文件,再根据元文件更新本地仓库jar包。 元文件 元文件有三个:maven-metadata-local.xml,maven-metadata-snapshot-nexus.xml, maven-metadata-local.xml 本地install代码后会生成该文件,记录的是本...
}else{// 纯 Java / Kotlin 类型组件(如 Gradle 插件、APT 组件)install { repositories.mavenInstaller { configurePom(pom) } }// 生成源码产物task sourcesJar(type:Jar,dependsOn:classes) { classifier ='sources'from sourceSets.main.allSource }// 生成 javadoc 产物task javadocJar(type:Jar,dependsOn:...
("installLocally", Upload) { configuration = configurations.archives repositories { mavenDeployer { // 本地仓库地址 repository(url: "file://${rootProject.buildDir}/localMaven") // 配置 POM 信息 configurePom(pom) } } } // 配置签名参数,部分需要在 中配置 signing { required {...
("installLocally", Upload) { configuration = configurations.archives repositories { mavenDeployer { // 本地仓库地址 repository(url: "file://${rootProject.buildDir}/localMaven") // 配置 POM 信息 configurePom(pom) } } } // 配置签名参数,部分需要在 中配置 signing { required {...
然后即可在项目中引用,但是仅仅这样是无法在jar中使用的,打成jar包后便会遇到NoClassFound 或者ClassNotFound的错误。本文便介绍三种方式引用外部jar包,并打包进可执行jar文件。 参考: 解决方法 install to local repo - 将jar install 到本地mvn repo, ...
install:install the package into the local repository, for use as a dependency in other projects locally. deploy:done in an integration or release environment, copies the final package to the remote repository for sharing with other developers and projects. ... } } else { // 纯 Java / Kotlin 类型组件(如 Gradle 插件、APT 组件) install { repositories.mavenInstaller { configurePom(pom) } } // 生成源码产物 task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) { classifier = 'sources' from sourceSets.main.allSource } // 生成 javadoc ...
The Maven2 version is not bundled with IntelliJ IDEA. If you need to use it in your project, download and enable theMaven2 supportplugin. Then,install the needed Maven version locally. You must specify a valid cycle phase or a goal in theRunfield to have an executable run configuration. ...
Hi Team, My requirement is to store the maven artifact within gitlab maven package registry and applications running locallyr and running in our cluster should add this newly created maven artifact from gitlab path and …