1.环境变量的配置 1)新建环境变量MAVEN_HOME,值如下: D:\install\develop\apache-maven-3.5.3 2)修改环境变量path 在末尾添加: ;%MAVEN_HOME%\bin; 3)验证 命令行中输入 mvn -v 即安装成功 2.setting.xml的配置 修改maven根目录下的conf文件夹中的setting.xml,将其复制到C:\Users\Administrator\.m2路径下...
new ModuleNotFoundPlugin(paths.appPath), // Makes some environment variables available to the JS code, for example: // if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { ... }. See `./env.js`. new webpack.DefinePlugin(env.stringified), // This is necessary to emit hot updates (curren...
需要在 maven 的服务器解压的文件中找到 conf 文件夹下的 settings.xml 文件进行修改,如下图所示:...
tar.gz格式的文件比zip文件小很多,用于unix操作系统。 zip格式用于Windows操作系统,但在Windows系统使用WinRar工具一样能够解压缩tar.gz格式 将下载好的Maven解压至我们想要的目录下,记住这个目录(本文以作者的D:\maven\apache-maven-3.8.4目录为例),实际配置环境变量时以自己安装的路径为准 二、配置Maven的环境变量 ...
Error: Default native-compiler executable 'cl.exe' not found via environment variable PATH Error: To prevent native-toolchain checking provide command-line option -H:-CheckToolchain Error: Use -H:+ReportExceptionStackTraces to print stacktrace of underlying exception ...
Add the M2_HOME environment variable by opening up the system properties (WinKey + Pause), selecting the "Advanced" tab, and the "Environment Variables" button, then adding the M2_HOME variable in the user variables with the value C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\apache-maven-2.2....
TheENTDEVKITJAVAenvironment variable is automatically added during the Enterprise SDK installation on a Windows environment. On a Linux environment, you must set it manually (seeset environment variables). Download JDK and Maven To develop extensions with ArcGIS Enterprise SDK in Java, you must have...
Click "Create" to create Maven environment variables: Variable name: MAVEN, and variable value: %MAVEN_HOME%\bin Variable name: MAVEN_HOME, and variable value: D:/Maven 4). Enter mvn -v in the local DOS environment, and the following content indicates the correct installation. Apache Maven...
--Optional: Additional environment variables to expose to cmake. If a variable was already set,overrides the previous value.--><key>value</key> </environmentVariables> <options><!--Optional: One or more options found at https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.22/manual/cmake.1.htmlFor example...
This is the way OS handles environment variables. Not sure why it doesn't work with the explicit path, likely there is some issue with the Maven plug-in configuration. 0 Peter N. Steinmetz Created April 03, 2021 02:00 I had a look at the stack overflow item and this is fr...