1|2maven打包出错:There are test failures 在用maven进行打包的时候出现错误 Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test(default-test) on project yuyun: There aretestfailures.Please refer to E:\IdeaProjects\yuyun\target\surefire-reportsforthe individualtestresults....
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) on project gulimall-coupon: There are test failures. Please refer to D:\m1\0613\mall-coupon\target\surefire-reports for the individual test results. Please refer to dump files (if any exist) [d...
47] D:\workspace\zhonghua\Claim\Claim-Utils\src\test\java\com\cic\claim\deploy\DeployPackageFileListGenerator.java:53: 警告:最后一个参数使用了不准确的变量类型的 varargs 方法的非 varargs 调用;
Spring Boot项目Maven Build报错的解决方法 问题1, [ERROR]Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.21.0:test (default-test) on project motherBuyBoot: There are test failures. [ERROR] Please refer to D:\web\motherbuy\target\surefire-reports for the individual test ...
2、maven命令package、install、deploy的联系与区别 maven生命周期(lifecycle)由各个阶段组成,每个阶段由maven的插件plugin来执行完成。生命周期(lifecycle)主要包括clean、resources、complie、install、pacakge、testResources、testCompile、deploy等,其中带test开头的都是用业编译测试代码或运行单元测试用例的。
Description We believe that we've found a concurrency bug when doing maven deploys. Depending on network latency or some other factors, mvn deploy may succeed or fail (500 internal server error, see log below). Our project consists of th...
在使用 Cloud Toolkit 进行部署时,如果您在 deploy 配置中指定了-P test来指定环境,但实际发布后生效...
The mvn deploy command is used to upload the built dependency package to a self-hosted repo. In the command window, use the number sign (#) to comment out the mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -U -e -X -B command, as shown in the following figure. Delete the number sign (#)...
#mvn deploy -Dmaven.test.skip=true -U -e -X -B 找到以下命令行,在命令行前添加#。 mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -U -e -X -B 在“发布依赖包到CodeArts私有依赖库”一栏勾选“配置所有pom”,并在下拉列表中选择与已项目关联的Maven私有依赖库。
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) on project api: There are test failures. [ERROR] [ERROR] Please refer to /home/vagrant/WORKDIR/Hygieia/api/target/surefire-reports for the individual test results. [ERROR] -> [Help 1...