本地仓库依赖冲突错误信息:DependencyResolutionException: conflict between [groupIdversion] and [groupIdversion]原因:本地仓库中存在多个版本的同一个依赖,导致Maven无法决定使用哪个版本。解决方案:手动删除本地仓库中冲突的依赖版本,然后重新构建项目。具体路径在用户主目录的.m2/repository下,找到对应的groupId、artif...
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles: [ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/DependencyResolutionException 同上的原因。 2 [WARNING] Found duplicate and different resources in [org.springframework.data:spr...
kubelet, docker-desktop wanted to free 5180592947 bytes, but freed 0 bytes space with errors in image deletion: [rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: conflict: unable to remove repository reference "moomedprofilepictureservice:dev" (must force) - container d8ef8...
[ERROR] 3.6.10.Final.是什么东东,发现是 子模块中写死的一个 property, 虽然没有在 dependency中使用它,但是它却生效了,真是神奇了。 大概是它把 spring-boot 的同名的 property 覆盖了吧, 但是 spring-boot 的当前版本依赖的netty 并不是 3.6.10.Final., 所以就出现了这个问题。 怎么解决: 把3.6.10.Fi...
$ ./gradlew :FTPlibrary:dependencyInsight --dependency com.squareup.okhttp --configuration releaseCompileClasspath > Task :Ftplibrary:dependencyInsight com.squareup.okhttp3:logging-interceptor:3.9.0 \--- releaseCompileClasspath com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.9.0 (conflict resolution) ...
<!-- DEPENDENCY CONFLICT RESOLUTION FOR OPENAI4J (END) --> So by doing this we: exclude the conflict dependency include the (higher) version of conflicting depency commet what / how we did it for future mentainers Same solution was used in these PRs: ...
2、如果重复声明的依赖版本号不同,那么 state 是 OMMITTED _FOR_CONFLICT,意味着冲突,最终必然只会选其中的一个。 继续往上找调用链: 我们发现 omitForNearer 这个方法的定义在 apache-maven-3.6.3 这个核心项目中的 ResolutionListener 类中,而插件 maven-dependency-tree 中的 DependencyTreeResolutionListener负责了...
[ERROR] [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles: [ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/DependencyResolutionException Process finished with exit code 1 问题:Failed to execute goal on project TestMavenMain...
3.4.5 Conflict Resolution There will be times when you need to exclude a transitive dependency, such as when you are depending on a project that depends on another project, but you would like to either exclude the dependency alto- gether or replace the transitive dependency with another ...
dependency in the current POM. If even this fails, then add an exception configuration, but please use this only as a last resort. In this case you should add comments to the exceptions, exclusions or explicit dependencies that state why you added them (e.g. noting the version conflict)....