“Maven Could not find artifact” 错误是 Maven 项目中常见的问题。通过仔细检查pom.xml文件、配置文件和仓库设置,我们可以解决大多数问题。确保依赖坐标正确、本地仓库干净、代理设置正确、版本号存在且符合要求,是解决问题的关键。另外,确保所需的依赖在仓库中可用,并了解依赖范围的作用,也是解决问题的重要步骤。遵...
解决方案:确保依赖范围是正确的,常见的范围包括compile、test、provided等。 9. 忽略依赖 原因:某些依赖对项目不是必需的或者已经在其他依赖中包含了相同功能。 解决方案:使用<exclusions>元素在pom.xml中排除掉不需要的传递性依赖。 结论: “Maven Could not find artifact” 错误是 Maven 项目中常见的问题。通过仔...
Could not find artifact org.mybatis:mybatis:pom:3.6.3 in nexus-aliyun (http://maven.aliyun.com/nexus/content/groups/public 在Maven 项目中出现 “Could not find artifact” 错误消息通常表示 Maven 无法在定义的任何仓库中找到指定的 JAR 文件或依赖。本文总结了导致该问题的常见原因以及相应的解决方案。
Non-resolvable parent POM: Could not find artifact com.ecp:ecp-main:pom:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM @ line 8, column 10 -> [Help 2] 原因: 多模块项目构建时,先将parent项目要先install一回,之后子项目才可以运行mvn compile命令,否则就会报如上异常。
Non-resolvable parent POM: Could not find artifact com.ecp:ecp-main:pom:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM @ line 8, column 10 -> [Help 2] 原因: 多模块项目构建时,先将parent项目要先install一回,之后子项目才可以运行mvn compile命令,否则就会报如上异常。
Maven error: Failed to execute goal on project : Could not resolve dependencies for project 0 build error when compiling with maven (failed to resolve artifact) 69 Unable to Build using MAVEN with ERROR - Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-pl...
But it seems that javafx bundler package is search for features in the jdk9 directory and not the one that was referenced in the toolcahin setting. I've set the toolchain back to 1.8, I end up with the same error message. Could not find artifact javafx-packager:javafx-packager:jar:1.8...
Description: When trying to deploy maven artifact to github packages, mvn deploy fails with an error "Could not find artifact foo.bar:parent-pom:pom:0.0.1 in github" The weird error is that foo.bar:parent-pom:0.0.1 is the artifact I'm tr...
首先在 IDEA 中使用 Maven 的插件中的 Lifecycle 进行 compile 指令,发现报错: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins...:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on...
删除v~/.m2/repository/<group>/<artifact>/<version>/目录下的*.lastUpdated文件,然后再次运行mvn compile编译工程。 方法二: 修改~/.m2/settings.xml 或/opt/maven/conf/settings.xml文件,将其中的仓库添加 <updatePolicy>always</updatePolicy>来强制每次都更新依赖库。