post-clean Calling one phase of the clean lifecycle results in the execution of all phases up to an including that phase. So, if we perform a "mvn clean", we will execute the pre-clean and the clean phases. If we perform a "mvn post-clean", we will execute the pre-clean, clean, ...
mvn clean install调用 clean 生命周期的 clean 阶段和 default 的 install 阶段,实际执行 pre-clean 和 clean,install 以及之前所有阶段
参考文章 : These are the default life cycle phases in maven validate - validate the project is correct and all necessary information is available compile - compile the source code of the project ...
clean Lifecycle site Lifecycle Each of these build lifecycles is defined by a different list of build phases, wherein a build phase represents a stage in the lifecycle. For example, the default lifecycle comprises of the following phases (for a complete list of the lifecycle phases, refer to ...
If we run last phase all preceding phases will get executed first. Generally speaking, if we want to run some phase (or even goal/plugin), all pre-required task will run first. Note Phase 3 does nothing cause no goals are bound to it. In maven default life-cycle too, there are numbe...
这里的 clean 阶段将会被首先执行,然后 dependency:copy-dependencies 目标会被执行,最终 package 阶段被执行。 Clean 生命周期 当我们执行mvn post-clean命令时,Maven 调用 clean 生命周期,它包含以下阶段。 pre-clean clean post-clean Maven 的 clean 目标(clean:clean)绑定到了 clean 生命周期的 clean 阶段。它...
Maven Phases, on the other hand, represent a predefined series of actions or tasks that are run during the build lifecycle. Clean, validate, compile, test, package and other steps of the build lifecycle are related to phases. To describe the construction process, goals might be linked to ...
One or more build life cycles, build phases or build goals Here is a Maven command example: mvn clean This command consists of themvncommand which executes Maven, and the build life cycle namedclean. Here is another Maven command example: ...
方法四:使用onejar-maven-plugin 方法五:使用spring-boot-maven-plugin 方法六:使用tomcat7-maven-plugin 参考 --- 打包方法方法一...:使用maven-jar-plugin和maven-dependency-plugin 首先,maven-jar-plugin的作用是配置mainClass和指定classpath。 goals> 优点 clean...> exec-war-only goals> pack...
Execute mvn clean package Summarize The maven plug-in can be regarded as a hook function of maven in the execution life cycle stage. If we want to trigger something during the compiling, packaging, installation, and deployment phases of the execution of maven, we can consider implementing a ma...