Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.4:compile (execution: default, phase: compile) 解决办法: 给eclipse安装AspectJ Maven configurator: Help -> Install new software......
本文介绍的 aspectj-maven-plugin 插件 和 我们 大部分使用的 Spring Aop 不同, 我们通常会在 带有 @Aspect 注解的类上面 加上 @Service或者 @Component 注解,这样就可以 被Spring 管理 ,这样可以通过Aop 进行一些拦截. 但是有时 有一个接口没有在spring 注册, 但是也要对其拦截, 便可以使用 aspectj-maven-plu...
参考: need to install the AspectJ Maven configurator. It is available here
AspectJ Maven Plugin. Contribute to dev-aspectj/aspectj-maven-plugin development by creating an account on GitHub.
但是总是感觉非常的乱,有的说spring aop跟aspectj相互独立,有的说spring aop依赖于aspectj,有的甚至...
解析maven的deployment的插件 maven 常用插件,基本所有主要的maven插件都来自于Apache和CodeHaus
AspectJ和Lombok是两个常用的Java开发工具,它们可以与Maven协同工作,实现更高效的开发流程。 首先,需要在Maven的项目配置文件pom.xml中添加AspectJ和Lombok的...
aspectj-maven-plugin当前版本是1.4,已经很久没有更新过了,它不支持java7 可以通过修改该插件源代码来支持java7 先从svn取得源代码 svn checkout aspectj-maven-plugin 找到AbstractAjcCompiler类,将 ...
Mojohaus AspectJ Maven Plugin This is theaspectj-maven-plugin. Overview This plugin weaves AspectJ aspects into your classes using the AspectJ compilerajc. Typically, aspects are used in one of two ways within your Maven reactors: As part of a Single Project, implying aspects and code are defin...
This is the aspectj-maven-plugin.OverviewThis plugin weaves AspectJ aspects into your classes using the AspectJ compiler ("ajc"). Typically, aspects are used in one of two ways within your Maven reactors:As part of a Single Project, implying aspects and code are defined within the same Maven...