我们这次是租的四驱车,早上2点去机场换车,还车很快,但租车队伍排得有点长,大概等了40分钟才拿到车。所以,如果你打算去Mauna Kea,一定要提前安排好时间。 最佳上山时机 ⏰ 导航到Mauna Kea Visitor Information Station,到达这个地点后,距离日落时间预留一个半小时是最保险的。如果你想拍到美美的照片,建议再早点...
🌄 探索夏威夷大岛的壮丽景色,Maunakea Stellar 绝对是你不可错过的目的地!从山脚到山顶,一路都是令人叹为观止的美景,让你的相册充满难忘的回忆。🚗 前往Maunakea,你需要导航至Maunakea Visitor Information Station。记得检查你的车辆是否为SUV,并且具备四驱功能,以确保能够顺利下山。同时,确保油箱里的油量充足,至...
夏威夷BIG ISLAND的Maunakea小型展览馆 周末上午去夏威夷大岛的 Maunakea 游玩, 打算参观天文台,需要驾驶四轮驱动的车辆, 查得很严格,上山前的路口,有专人问询并作记录, 经过Visitor Information Station 时,先了解下注意事项, 门外白板报上,写着当天的气候变化,日落和月出等情况, 这些在网上是查不到的,比较关心的...
⛰️登顶过程 1⃣️先导航到MaunaKea Visitor Information Station,我们从Waikoloa开过去差不多40分钟,一路上会穿过云层,会有细雨飘下,提前研究好车子雨刮器怎么开,我们开到一半停在边上研究了一分钟[笑哭R] 2⃣️抵达游客中心后,停车然后休息至少30分钟!适应了这个高度后再出发登顶!我们刚到游客中心走...
Mauna Kea is one of the best places in the world to see the Milky Way. While it is typically visible with the naked eye, the Mauna Kea Visitor Information Station has a few telescopes that visitors can use. Rangers also provide astronomical information in a nightly program....
探索夏威夷大岛的Mauna Kea,我们体验了一次难忘的登山之旅,强烈推荐给每一位热爱自然和星空的旅行者!🌄🚙 租车与驾驶:前往Mauna Kea的顶峰,建议选择四驱车,并确保具备4low配置。我们选择了Jeep牧马人。在从Maunakea Visitor Information Station(VIS)出发前往山顶时,工作人员会提供驾驶指导:上山时使用4low+D,下山时...
Telescopes of the MaunaKea Observatory, Hawaii. From left to right: the Subaru Telescope, the W. M. Keck Observatory (2 domes), and the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Seeing the sunset from the Mauna Kea Visitor Information Station (VIS) Seeing the sunset from the Mauna Kea visitor center...
一度让我以为我来不及去mauna kea了 上山最佳时机 导航mauna kea visitor information station ,到达这...
The Mauna Kea Visitor Information Station offers a terrific FREE stargazing program. Many telescopes are set up outside the station, and a star tour is given, using a laser pointer to point out the objects visible that night. This time we got really lucky, the evening w...
The mission of the First Light Bookstore, as part of the Maunakea Visitor Station, is to support visitors to the mauna in developing an awareness of the cultural, environmental and scientific significance of Maunakea.