我到visitor center之前穿的是裙子,半路下车拍照时已经觉得有点冷。后来换了牛仔裤和皮草外套登顶,完全没有问题。最好带个帽子,因为会有风。🌟观星路线 我们提前收藏了两个能够避开光污染的地方,但到了visitor center才发现位置不太好找。一般大家都会下到visitor center来观星,因为山顶日落后不允许停留。不过,我发...
登顶Mauna Kea需要四轮驱动的4WD车辆,并带有4L模式。确保车辆油箱至少有半箱油。登顶和下山时必须使用4L档,下山时使用低档并尽量减少制动,以防刹车片过热或失灵。下山到visitor center时会有工作人员检查刹车片温度,如果过热,可能会被要求停车冷却。 🌅 最佳时间: 建议根据日落时间来安排行程。例如,如果日落时间是下...
Experience the original sunset tour of Mauna Kea in our luxury vans, enjoy a hearty meal, watch the breathtaking sunset & gaze at the heavens above. Book today!
Mauna Kea FAQ Stargazing Tours How to visit Maunakea yourself Getting to the MaunaKea Visitor Center (MKVIS) How to drive to the Maunakea summit Seeing the sunset: from the visitor center and from the summit. Free stargazing program at the MKVIS (once a month only, reservations are require...
Mauna Kea visitor center started their telescopes the day we visited after a gap of 4 years. The guides from visitor center are very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about educating kids and people visiting. It’s completely free and you can actually see active volcano at ...
大岛Mauna Kea,绝美体验! 【山顶美景,绝对值得一去!】 我们原本计划乘坐非四驱车(4WD),但幸运的是,工作人员告诉我们还有一辆4runner可供选择,只需额外支付一些费用。这真是一个明智的决定,因为Mauna Kea山顶的美景绝对值得。 在前往visitor center的路上,建议根据山上的日落时间提前规划好行程。一路行驶非常顺畅,景...
从Hilton village出发,大约一个小时的车程就能到达Mauna Kea。整个旅程中,天气时晴时雨,驾驶在云雾中时,铁定会下雨,但一旦穿出云雾,可能就会看到阳光。🌈彩虹随处可见。虽然我们没有打算去天文台,但发现这里其实有很多值得探索的地方。天文台位于四千二百多米的高处,visitor center的检查非常严格,只有四驱车才能上去。
Mauna Kea Summit 日落Mauna Kea在波利尼西亚语中意为白山,因为山顶有积雪而得名,这里是大岛的最高峰,海拔4205米,同时也是一座休眠火山。在山脚下已经看见了所谓的雾气,但是晚上
The Onizuka Center for International Astronomy, also known as Hale Pōhaku, is a complex of support facilities for the telescopes and other instruments that comprise the Mauna Kea Observatory atop Mauna Kea, on Hawaiʻi island. Just below the support complex, a Visitor Information Station with ...
Q:What time should I get to Mauna Kea? A: Summit visiting hours are from half an hour before sunrise through half an hour after sunset. The best way to experience Mauna Kea is to reach the summit in time for the sunset then go down to Visitor Information Center at 9...