/// 以下代码示例使用媒体选取器拍摄照片并将其保存到缓存目录: /// </summary> public async Task<string> TakePhoto() { await CheckPermissionsCamera(); if (MediaPicker.Default.IsCaptureSupported) { FileResult photo = await MediaPicker.Default.CapturePhotoAsync(); if (photo != null) { // save ...
In Solution Explorer, double-click the Entitlements.plist file from the Platforms > iOS folder of your .NET MAUI app project to open it in the entitlements editor. In the entitlements editor, select and configure any entitlements required by your app: Save the changes to your Entitlements.plist...
On the Edit your App ID Configuration page, enable the Associated Domains capability and then select the Save button: :::image type="content" source="media/universal-links/associated-domains-capability.png" alt-text="Screenshot of enabling the associated domains capability in the Ap...
Edit Configuration Run Run/debug configurations dialog When developing .NET MAUI applications on macOS, it is recommended toedit resource files and connect resources to code using Xcode. You can use context menus of.storyboard,.xib,.plist If the file or project has never been opened in Xcode b...
Save the Dump (Debug > Save Dump As...) and select Minidump with Heap (*.dmp) from the file dialog Attach the resulting dump Take into account that the size of the dumps are usually big, so it could take a while to attach. Thanks in advanced. 0 Feb 1...
Join("\n", errors), "Try Again"); } else { string fileName = Path.Combine(FileSystem.Current.AppDataDirectory, "FilledForm.pdf"); using FileStream fileStream = File.Create(fileName); pdfViewer.SaveDocument(fileStream); await DisplayAlert("Success", "Form submitted successfully.", "OK");...
Click Save. On the Generate A Provisioning Profile screen, click on Download. In the browser's Downloads folder, there will be a file called: VS_WildCard_Development.mobileprovision Double-click on this file to install it, it will wind up in Xcode, which VS has to “talk” to in...
We are using “Blazor WebView” and need to save files (jpeg, png, mp4) to disk and display them. When will this be addressed? Thanks. Daniel Roth March 23, 2022 0 Collapse this comment Copy link Hi Vaibhav. I think that should already be possible today. Is there a GitHub issue ...
.output('datauristring').then(function (base64Data) {//生成data url,直接赋值给预览html元素src//data:application/pdf;filename=generated.pdf;base64,JVB...previewElement.src =base64Data; });//支持output('blob'), output('bloburi'), output('arrayBuffer'), save()} ...
In the Add Firebase to your Android app page, select the Download google-services.json button and save the file to a local folder before selecting the Next button: In the Add Firebase to your Android app page, select the Next button. In the Add Firebase to your Android app page, select...