Serilog.Debugging.SelfLog.Enable(Console.Error); #endif builder.UsePrism(prism => { prism.RegisterTypes(container => { container.RegisterForNavigation<MainPage>(); }); prism.ConfigureLogging(configureLogging => { var logConfig = new LoggerConfiguration(); logConfig.WriteTo.Async((skinConfig) =...
console.log("DotNet method return the value:" + data); result = data }); return result } export async function Add(data) { var result = null await window['DotNet'].invokeMethodAsync('MatoProject', 'Add', data) .then(data => { console.log("DotNet method return the value:" + data)...
So where isSystem.Consoleintended to flush to under Blazor MAUI? I think the implication of Artak's response is that it only goes to the .NET console, which would be the case for normal ASP.NET Core logging. I at least seeHALFof what docs need to address (Blazor Server/WASM), and I...
If you choose to allow users to log-in via Wechat, please use methods that can authenticate users from within your app, such as a native web-view.如果没有安装微信,审核给的意见是可以通过网页微信授权登录,但是这里可以做的更简单一些,就是使用WXApi isWXAppInstalled来判断微信是否安装,如果没有...
If you choose to allow users to log-in via Wechat, please use methods that can authenticate users from within your app, such as a native web-view. 如果没有安装微信,审核给的意见是可以通过网页微信授权登录,但是这里可以做的更简单一些,就是使用WXApi isWXAppInstalled来判断微信是否安装,如果没有安...
); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { IsBusy = false; } } 您可以看到该方法以字符串形式接收命令,我们使用MapleClient对象的PostAsync方法通过传递 Meadow 的 IP 地址、端口、命令和最后的角度值来发送命令,如果调用RotateTo API ,则旋转舵机. 第6 步 - 运行项目 ...
{ foo:string=""; bar:string=""; cnt:number=0; asynccreated(){ window["postBar"]=this.postBar; } asyncadd(){ this.cnt=awaitAdd({a:this.cnt,b:1}); } asyncgetFoo(){ varfoo=awaitGetAll(null);; } asyncpostBar(data){; console.log("DotNetinvocked...
I am trying to write all log details to a file and send that to our server using an API. I am using Serilog for this. I did below steps: Installed Serilog, Serilog.Extensions.Logging and Serilog.Sinks.File. MAUIProgram.cs added below code: public static… .NET MAUI .NET MAUI A ...
If you want to see the logs that get sent to the backend, change the log level toVerbosein your application and the SDK will print logs in the console. Call the API below before you start the SDK. C# AppCenter.LogLevel = LogLevel.Verbose; ...
console.log("DotNet invocked the function with param:"+ data);; } } 到此已经完成了一个简单的Vue项目 运行打包命令: PS D:\Project\maui-vue-hybirddev\hybird-host> yarn build 将dist目录中的所有内容复制到wwwroot文件夹下。 混合改造 这...