Hawaii’s six major islands each feature a unique beauty and character all to its own while offering exciting experiences for meeting and convention attendees.
Maui is the second largest of the main Hawaiian Islands (after Hawaii's Big Island) encompassing 727.2 square miles (1883.5 km2). The island is made up of two shield volcanoes, West Maui Mountain and Haleakala.
"I have ordered all available Federal assets on the Islands to help with response," President Biden said in a statement Wednesday evening. "The Hawaiian National Guard has mobilized Chinook Helicopters to help with fire suppression and search and rescue on the Island of Maui. The U.S. Coas...
(Placename) a volcanic island in S central Hawaii: the second largest of the Hawaiian Islands. Pop: 117 644 (2000). Area: 1885 sq km (728 sq miles) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006,...
Maui is the second largest of the Hawaiian Islands. Its nickname is "The Valley Isle," which describes its geography as a large valley between two dormant volcanoes — Haleakala in the east and Mauna Kahalawai in the west. Haleakala's name means "House of the Sun," and it's the largest...
听听怎么读 英[ˈmaui] 美[ˈmaʊi] 是什么意思 n. 毛伊岛(在太平洋中北部,夏威夷群岛中的第二大岛); 英英释义 maui[ 'maui ] n.the second largest of the Hawaiian Islands 同义词:Maui Island 学习怎么用 双语例句 用作名词(n.) Our Hawaii vacations company is located on the beautiful Island...
Hana is famous for the road leading to it, “The Road to Hana.” The town of Hana is really an incredible place that is often overlooked. Many of the Hana residents rarely leave this charming area. The people of Hana are deeply prideful of their Hawaiian Roots and live at a pace unfam...
Type: Island with 155,000 residents Description: second-largest of the Hawaiian Islands, in the United States Category: volcanic island Location: Maui County, Hawaii, United States, North America View on OpenStreetMapLatitude20.7702° or 20° 46' 13" north Longitude-156.2682° or 156° ...
The Hawaiian Islands are an archipelago of eight major volcanic islands, several atolls, and numerous smaller islets in the North Pacific Ocean, extending some 1,500 miles from the island of Hawaiʻi in the south to northernmost Kure Atoll.