We’re here to provide you with the best Maui maps to make the most of your time in Maui, Hawaii. Whether you’re looking for the most beautiful beaches, the best hikes, or the classic Road to Hana, you’ll find the perfect map here. With our maps, you can plan your vacation wit...
This graphic shows the location of fires on the island of Maui, Hawaii, Aug. 10, 2023.AP Photo Thousands of people were evacuated from impacted areas this week while travelers slept in the Kahului Airport. Hawaiian Airlines continued to operate flights into and out of Maui's Kahului Airport ...
Wailea, and the smaller Makena to the south, are resort areas on the south side of Maui, Hawaii, immediately south of the town of Kihei.
Use our unique Maui Maps to find the Maui activities, Maui attractions, and Maui Information about your destination area.
ALERT !In May 2018, Hawaii became the first state in the nation to pass legislation banning sunscreens containing the chemicals oxybenzone and octinoxate, which destroy coral reefs.Click herefor reef safe suntan lotions. NOTICE !Due to heavy rains and rock slides Oheo Gulch is closed indefinitely...
Map of Maui beaches, trails, volcanic featues and farmers markets. This interactive Maui geography map uses the most current State of Hawaii data.
Founder & certified Hawaii travel expert with 20+ years of experience in Hawaii tourism. Affiliate Disclosure:We may earn commissions from some travel partners (like Amazon or Expedia) which helps us maintain this site. These links are at no extra cost to you and don't impact our honest & ...
The island of Maui is one of the islands of Hawaii, a state of the United States of America. Maui has an elevation of 1,619 metres. Mapcarta, the open map.
Danish: Hawaiiøerne Danish: Sandwich Islands Dutch: Hawaiaanse eilanden Dutch: Hawaiiaanse eilanden Dutch: Hawaïaanse eilanden English: Mokupuni o Hawai‘i English: Sandwich Islands Esperanto: Havajaj Insuloj Estonian: Havai saared Estonian: Havai saarestik Estonian: Hawaii saared Finnish:...
Type: Building Location: Maui County, Hawaii, United States, North America View on OpenStreetMapLatitude20.64917° or 20° 38' 57" north Longitude-156.44146° or 156° 26' 29" west Open Location Code73G5JHX5+MC OpenStreetMap IDway 823026327 OpenStreetMap Featureamenity=...