This sample displays all of the controls available in .NET MAUI, one per page. For more information about .NET MAUI controls, see.NET MAUI controls.
Code Sample 11/27/2024 1 contributor Browse code .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) control templates enable you to define the visual structure of ContentView derived custom controls, and ContentPage derived pages. Control templates separate the user interface (UI) for a custom control, or...
><ContentView xmlns=""xmlns:x=""x:Class="MauiSample.Controls.HorizontalPanContainer"><ContentView.GestureRecognizers><PanGestureRecognizer PanUpdated="PanGestureRecognizer_OnPanUpdated"></PanGestureRecognizer><TapGe...
Browse the sample The user interface of a .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) app is constructed of objects that map to the native controls of each target platform. The main control groups used to create the user interface of a .NET MAUI app are pages, layouts, and views. A .NET...
To build & run .NET 6 sample apps, you will also need to use .\bin\dotnet\dotnet: .\bin\dotnet\dotnet build src\Controls\samples\Controls.Sample.Droid\Maui.Controls.Sample.Droid-net6.csproj -t:Run .\bin\dotnet\dotnet build src\Controls\samples\Controls.Sample.iOS\Maui.Controls.Sample.iOS...
Hi @rmarinho there's a demo for this functionality here: Maui.Controls.Sample.Pages -> iOSHideHomeIndicatorPage A problem with the UITest for this is that the tests are a modal page, so setting prefer PrefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden doesn't work for them rmarinho previously approved these cha...
DateTimeOffsetConverter 是一个转换器,允许用户将 DateTimeOffset 转换为 DateTime。 有时,DateTime 值与偏移量一起存储在后端,以允许存储 DateTime 的来源时区。 Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DatePicker 之类的控件仅适用于 DateTime。 这些情况下可以使用此转换器。
Class="MediaElementDemos.GettingStarted"Title="MediaElement Getting Started"><toolkit:MediaElementx:Name="mediaElement"ShouldAutoPlay="True"ShouldShowPlaybackControls="True"Source=""HeightRequest="300"WidthRequest="400".../><...
System.Maui.Controls.Issues/System.Maui.Controls.Issues.Shared Process file changes 5年前 System.Maui.Controls Process file changes 5年前 System.Maui.Core.Android.UITests Process file changes 5年前 System.Maui.Core.Design Process file changes 5年前 System.Maui.Core.UITests.Share...