(n) Maturity is the reaching of the specified time or point to convert a process, obligation, provision, ability etc ripe for execution or existence. Eg. Maturity date for return of deposit. Eg. Maturity age for entering in to valid contract History and Meaning of Maturity Maturity is widely...
2.(of an insurance policy) to become due to be paid.My insurance policy matures when I reach sixty-five.vencer maˈturelyadverb maduramente maˈturitynoun madurez maˈturenessnoun madurez Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. ...
What is the difference between life insurance and annuity? What are the differences between a flexible short-term financing policy and a restrictive one? What are the pros and cons of each? Briefly explain how the factors of flexibility and timing affect the mix between debt and equity capital...
Callable bonds also have a yield to call (YTC), calculated like the yield to maturity, but the call date is substituted for the maturity date and the call price or call premium is substituted for par value. When a bond is bought at a premium, the yield to call is always the lowest ...