Night—the time of darkness A. Important facts concerning:Made by God . . . Ps. 104:20Named at... Oaths Oaths—solemn promises A. Expressions descriptive of:“As the Lord lives” . . . 1 Sam. 19:6“God is... Obedience of Christ, our example Obedience of Christ, our example To...
Peter's faith (subjective)? or the truth (objective) which he confessed? or Christ Himself? Taking all the facts of the case, the balance seems to incline in favour of the last view. (1.) Christ and not Peter is the Rock in1Corinthians 1 ...
stands, according to traditional, but not entirely universal, arrangement, first among the canonical Gospels. The Gospel, as will be seen below, was unanimously ascribed by the testimony of the ancient church to the apostle Matthew, though the title does not of itself necessarily imply immediate...
facts. The destruction of Jerusalem plays some role; but it was not experienced firsthand, and the exodus of Christians from Jerusalem is perceptible only in the tradition borrowed from Mark, not in Matthew himself. . . But Syria is suggested by the major role assigned to Peter, esepcially...
and this without there being any great difference between this Gospel and the two other Synoptics in respect to the facts recorded or the beliefs implied. The effect is produced partly by the comments of the evangelist, which especially take the form of citations from the Old Testament; partly...
And all that can be urged, as the case stands, is that there is an inconsistency in accepting these facts, and yet treating marriage as incompatible with the sacred office of the ministry. The Church of Rome might answer, that experience, or the teaching of the Spirit, or the moral ...
Facts concerning: He ruled over... HERODIAS - 1582 ◆ 1582 HERODIAS, wife of Philip, instigated the death of John the Baptist, Mt 14:3; Mk 6:17; Lk... PARENTAL INFLUENCE - 1632 ◆ 1632 PARENTAL INFLUENCE 1. Evil Influence, Ge 27:13; Nu 32:14; 1Ki 15:3; 15:26; 22:52;...
Lawyer, author, and former agnostic Pamela Binnings Ewen illuminates Christianity as the only world religion that can be based upon verifiable facts. Developing those facts, she invites readers into the jury box and then examines under court-required standards the gospel testimonies of the witnesses:...
Verses 11, 12.- In Luke (Luke 13:28, 29) not joined to this miracle, but placed after the warning about mere professors (ourMatthew 7:23). Also they are there given in the reverse order. Taking the other facts (ver. 5, note) about this miracle into consideration, there can be lit...
As our group huddled together into this dungeon area, I tried to wrap my head around these facts. This was the only dungeon area. This is where they brought all prisoners awaiting trial. Jesus was a prisoner awaiting trial. This is the exact place where they brought him. ...