Matthew Perry, the beloved"Friends" sitcom star, died from the "acute effects of ketamine," according to an autopsy report released Friday by the Los Angeles County medical examiner. Perry, 54, was found unresponsive at his home on Oct. 28 "floating face down in the heated end" of the p...
Matthew Perry's passing has been attributed to "the acute effects of ketamine," a drug used for depression treatment and recreational purposes. TheLos Angeles County Medical Examiner's Officereleased a toxicology report, which revealed that Perry had undergone ketamine infusion therapy for depression ...
There were no obvious signs of trauma, a Los Angeles Police Department spokesperson confirmed to CBS Los Angeles stationKCAL News. An autopsy was completed on Sunday, according to the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's Office, and toxicology results were pending. Perry was found unresponsive in...
"An autopsy was completed today, and toxicology results are pending," a representative for the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner-Coroner's office confirmed Sunday to Fox News Digital. Perry, who was born in Massachusetts and raised in Canada, was 24 years old when he began portraying ...
that the cause of Perry’s death has been “deferred,” meaning additional investigative steps need to be taken. The medical examiner’s officetold CNNthat an autopsy has been conducted, “but examiners are awaiting the results of toxicology reports in order to determine Perry’s cause of ...
As Baden previously told Fox News Digital, "[O]ften [when there] is a great interest in a death, there's delay to do a more extensive toxicology than normal." Baden noted that the release of toxicology results could be pending for many reasons. ...
On Sunday, the LA County Coroner confirmed to ABC News that an autopsy was performed. Perry's cause of death is pending while they wait for toxicology results, which could take weeks. MORE: Hollywood community pays tribute to late 'Friends' star Matthew Perry ...
As previouslyreported, Matthew Perry died this past weekend in an apparent drowning following a cardiac event. Out of respect for his loved ones, we will not be reporting on the toxicology report or autopsy. Several other stars, including Morgan Fairchild, Shannen Doherty and Mira Sorvino also ...
In it, he referred toBrancatoas"Erin,"describing her as his"best friend"and the person whosaved his life, providing unwavering support during hishealth struggles. Perry'scause of death is currently listed as"deferred,"pending the results oftoxicology tests....
Perry was found unresponsive in his hot tub at his Pacific Palisades home and police responded to a 911 call for a water rescue. The cause of death remains unknown but an autopsy was performed and the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's Office says it is awaiting toxicology results. ...