Matthew 7 ESV 1 7 “Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. 3 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the
The term "holy" comes from the Greek word "τὸ ἅγιον" (to hagion), meaning something set apart, sacred, or consecrated. In the context of this verse, it refers to the precious and divine truths of God's Word. The holiness of these truths demands reverence and respect, and...
The meaning of the parable here lies on the surface. The way and the gate are alike the way of obedience and holiness, and the gate is to be reached not without pain and effort; but only through it can we enter into the city of God, the heavenly Jerusalem. A deeper significance is,...
7 But you would not have condemned my innocent disciples if you knew the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’[ag] 8 For the Son of Man[ah] is Lord, even over the Sabbath!” Jesus Heals on the Sabbath 9 Then Jesus went over to their synag...
You only make things worse when you lay down a smoke screen of pious talk, saying, ‘I’ll pray for you,’ and never doing it, or saying, ‘God be with you,’ and not meaning it. You don’t make your words true by embellishing them with religious lace. In making your speech ...
title Lord (κύριος) in speaking to their Master (comp.Luke 5:8); but as that word was at the time in common use as one of courtesy (Matthew 8:2;Matthew 8:6;John 20:2), it would not necessarily follow that they had used it in all the later fulness of its meaning. ...
David Hill comments, "The meaning is that, if you condemn, you exclude yourself from God's pardon."7 Other commentators agree. "With the measure you use, it will be measured to you [by God]" (7:2). We see a similar use of the idea of measuring in Luke's gospel:...
Occupying a crucial place in Christianity, Matthew 7:24-27 was considered to be the closing entry, as well as the passage's concluding remark. In the passage, Jesus emphasises the importance of the pe [to do] in his teachings rather than merely hearing Him. What ...
In order to do that, Jesus explains the deeper meaning of those commands. This begins with a remark about exceeding the righteousness of the infamously strict scribes and Pharisees. His point is twofold: their righteousness is superficial, and no person can be good enough to earn heaven on ...
The Meaning Health and wealth are pointless without an eternal relationship with God. The rich man’s material treasures were a barrier between him and salvation: hence, Christ’s invitation to follow Him (Matthew 19:21). Our own path will not lead us to Heaven; only the path t...