Amplified Holy Bible: Captures the Full Meaning Behind the Original Greek and Hebrew - eBook Our Price: $12.99 Buy Now Amplified Large-Print Bible, hardcover Retail: $39.99 Our Price: $19.43 Save: $20.56 (51%) Buy Now View more titlesAbout...
Matthew 7:8 Meaning and Commentary Matthew 7:8 For everyone that asketh receiveth For God is no respecter of persons; whoever makes application, be he a Jew, or a Gentile, rich or poor, bond or free, a man of great gifts, or mean parts, provided he asks aright, from right principle...
Matthew 7:24 Meaning and Commentary Matthew 7:24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine The comparison in this, and the following verses, is the concluding part of our Lord's discourses upon the mount, which are meant by these sayings, or doctrines, he here speaks of; and as ...
Luke 5:8); but as that word was at the time in common use as one of courtesy (Matthew 8:2; Matthew 8:6; John 20:2), it would not necessarily follow that they had used it in all the later fulness of its meaning. . . . Pulpit CommentaryVerses 21-23. - These verses stand ...
Any movement of head, hand, or other part of the body to convey meaning to an... Gethsemane GETHSEMANE gĕth sĕm’ ə nĭ (Γεθσημανεί). A “place” RSV, or “plot of ground,” χωρίον, G6005, (... Children (sons, daughters) of God GO...
Occupying a crucial place in Christianity, Matthew 7:24-27 was considered to be the closing entry, as well as the passage's concluding remark. In the passage, Jesus emphasises the importance of the pe [to do] in his teachings rather than merely hearing Him. What d...
Luke 5:8); but as that word was at the time in common use as one of courtesy (Matthew 8:2; Matthew 8:6; John 20:2), it would not necessarily follow that they had used it in all the later fulness of its meaning. Benson CommentaryMatthew 7:21. Not every one, &c. — The ...
David Hill comments, "The meaning is that, if you condemn, you exclude yourself from God's pardon."7 Other commentators agree. "With the measure you use, it will be measured to you [by God]" (7:2). We see a similar use of the idea of measuring in Luke's gospel:...
The Meaning Health and wealth are pointless without an eternal relationship with God. The rich man’s material treasures were a barrier between him and salvation: hence, Christ’s invitation to follow Him (Matthew 19:21). Our own path will not lead us to Heaven; only the path th...
The distinctive element pertains particularly to the meaning of the Greek expression 'en tē palingenesia' in Matthew 19:28. By elaborating on time as a social construct, the article showed how Matthew deals with the conception of time differently than both Mark and Luke. It illustrated that ...