“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will
This comment finds such a strong parallel in John 19:34 that it was undoubtedly lifted from the Fourth Gospel by some early, well-meaning scribe and inserted into Matt 27:49. The alternative—that this sentence was part of Matthew’s Ausgangstext—has serious difficulties, as Metzger notes:...
The phrase "kept watch" comes from the Greek "τηροῦντες" (tērountes), meaning to guard or to keep an eye on. This vigilance was not merely to prevent any rescue attempts but also to ensure the execution was carried out to completion. In a broader spiritual sense, this ...
The animal secretion known as "gall" is clearly out of the question, and the meaning of the word is determined by its use in the Greek version of the Old Testament, where it stands for the "wormwood" of Proverbs 5:4, for the poisonous herb joined with "wormwood" in Deuteronomy 29:18...
Biblical analogies point us to the reality they represent, giving us a taste of something greater to come. I have friends, colleagues, and students who cannot fully grasp the meaning of these verses. I have known people to whom these verses bring pain or confusion. Through no fault of their...
Read the Book of Matthew online. Scripture chapters verses with full summary, commentary meaning, and concordances for Bible study.
A meaning of “rhetorical”: (of a question) asked in order to produce an effect or to make a statement rather than to elicit information. A. There is no verse in Scripture that refers to Michael as the “LORD/YHWH” or as “GOD/ELOHIM”. He is called “one of the chief princes”...
little too into the hand motions for the foolish man verse, but that just made it all the more memorable. But we didn’t sing the song just so we could laugh with (or at) Dad. We sang it because of the meaning behind it, especially the Rock on which the wise man built his house...
Something that never fades🏆#我以为忘了想念##克利夫兰骑士##nba# http://t.cn/A6a1K4VT
The J. Matthew Szymanski Rule of Law Programis a four-week summer program in Washington, D.C open to a select group of top Chinese law students to learn about the rule of law in the United States. It provides first...