施洗者约翰之死 - 分封王希律听见耶稣的名声, 就对臣仆说:“这个人是施洗者约翰!他从死里复活了,所以能够行这些神迹。” 原来希律为他兄弟腓力的妻子希罗底的缘故,拘捕了约翰,把他捆绑起来关在监里。 因为约翰曾多次对他说:“你娶这个妇人是不对的。”
◆ 3165 SCRIBES, writers or secretaries, men who copied the scriptures, 2Sa 8:17; 2Ki 12:10; ... SEASONS - 3169 ◆ 3169 SEASONS, the four main climatic divisions of the year, Ge 1:14; 8:22; Ps 104:19; Da 2:21;... SECTS AND PARTIES, JEWISH - 3171 ...
◆ 3165 SCRIBES, writers or secretaries, men who copied the scriptures, 2Sa 8:17; 2Ki 12:10; ... SEASONS - 3169 ◆ 3169 SEASONS, the four main climatic divisions of the year, Ge 1:14; 8:22; Ps 104:19; Da 2:21;... SECTS AND PARTIES, JEWISH - 3171 ...
◆ 3165 SCRIBES, writers or secretaries, men who copied the scriptures, 2Sa 8:17; 2Ki 12:10; ... SEASONS - 3169 ◆ 3169 SEASONS, the four main climatic divisions of the year, Ge 1:14; 8:22; Ps 104:19; Da 2:21;... SECTS AND PARTIES, JEWISH - 3171 ...