揭秘:相机镜头的昂贵真相与制造奇迹【PhotographyExplained】【中文配音】 09:58 显卡散热大揭秘:方向真的会影响性能吗?【 JayzTwoCents】【中文配音】 17:45 Apple Watch Series 10:升级亮点与个人体验【 Mac Address】【中文配音】 08:26 iOS 18.2深度体验:新功能、电池续航与用户反馈大揭秘【 zollotech】【...
IntroductionFor many years, the Roman Catholic church has used this passage to substantiate the doctrine of the papacy. On the other hand, many non-Catholic people have explained this passage with a combination of "bad Greek" and bad exegesis leading to a conclusion that supposedly invalidates ...
Even when Jesus explained the hidden spiritual meanings of His parables, did the disciples understand them? Or does Jesus look at them in stunned amazement after teaching them for 2 years and groan “are you still so dull” (Matthew 15:16)? Continue reading → Posted in Freedom October ...
Such was Peter's faith. The Church has added nothing to it, though she has amplified and explained and illustrated it in her Creeds; for it comprises belief in Christ's Messiahship, Divinity, Incarnation, personality, and the momentous issues depending thereon. We need not suppose that Peter...
“Yeah, it’s broken glass. It sells very well, you know,” Mainway explained. “The average kid, he picks broken glass up anywhere. The beach, the street, garbage cans, parking lots, all over the place in a big city. We’re just packaging what the kids want.” Mainway just as ...
She explained that it is not a prevalent strategy for crowdfunders because book distributors generally expect presses to put out at least 10 books per year. “A lot of crowdfunders can’t manage 10 books for trade bookstores, and I understand because it’s really hard. What got me through...
So this year, they explained, they wanted to be more proactive and they wanted to get out ahead of a schedule that, between our now live-streamed podcast and the production schedule for The Fantasy Show, allowed me no daytime hours to write. At some point I have to do the rese...
and Matthew was discharged. Rachael was told the problem was gastro-enteritis, and given a patient information leaflet. “This is a common infection in childhood which causes diarrhoea,” it explained. “There is often some vomiting as well. Most children will recover by 4-5 days, but sometim...
Point 9: That I Thessalonians 4:16 really can be explained rightly, sigh…. Point 10: Michael is an angel and is not the SON of GOD/ELOHIM. JESUS/YESHUA’YAH is the SON of GOD, the CHRIST/HA’MASHIACH and is not an angel. Michael could be referred to as a son of GOD/ELOHIM. ...
17:1–8 The account of the transfiguration confirms that Jesus is the Son of God (Mt 17:5) and points to fulfillment of the prediction that he will come in his Father’s glory at the end of the age (Mt 16:27). It has been explained by some as a resurrection appearance retrojected...