Finally, we note that the GP method allows a quantitative examination of the impact of the pQCD constraint on our results, a topic covered more extensively in24,69. As seen in Fig.6under “Methods”, this impact is substantial, reflected in the likelihood of QM cores in TOV stars dropping...
In this White Paper we present the potential of the Enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry (eXTP) mission for determining the nature of dense matter; neutron star cores host an extreme density regime which cannot be replicated in a terrestrial laboratory. The tightest statistical constraints on the...
In the paper, we discuss the development of the multigap resistive plate chamber time-of-flight (TOF) technology and the production of the solenoidal tracker at RHIC (STAR) TOF detector in China at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Subsequently, recent experimental results from the fir...
Moreover, investigation of axial and radial diffusivity in post hoc analyses in our study revealed that axial diffusivity was significantly higher and radial diffusivity significantly lower in patients compared to controls. Taken together, our results may be indicative of axonal- and myelin-related ...
the work described has not been published previously except in the form of a preprint, an abstract, a published lecture, academic thesis or registered report. See our policy on multiple, redundant or concurrent publication. the article is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. the articl...
In mammals, cells that are undergoing apoptosis are engulfed and degraded by macrophages in order to remove cellular debris that can cause secondary necrosis of surrounding healthy cells. In C. elegans, engulfment is carried out by non-specialized cells surrounding the dying cell.3, 27 In many ...
the work described has not been published previously except in the form of a preprint, an abstract, a published lecture, academic thesis or registered report. See our policy on multiple, redundant or concurrent publication. the article is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. the articl...
Exposures to total green space and each type of vegetation were estimated by finding the mean proportion of corresponding greenery pixels in all street view images within a 1 km radius surrounding the residential area at delivery. Further details can be found in the eMethods in Suppleme...
We also found that white matter in the bilateral anterior frontal regions and the left lateral white matter near to Broca's area were larger in women, whereas there were no significant larger regions in men. Since we used brain-size-matched subjects, our results gave strong volumetric evidence...
In thionin-stained sections (Fig. 3D LPS versus Fig. 3C control), gliosis was observed surrounding the necrotic lesions and in extensive patches throughout the periventricular white matter. Bielschowsky stain revealed many axonal spheroids resulting from the focal disruption of axons within the ...