An ordinary, neutral atom has an equal number of protons (in the nucleus) and electrons (surrounding the nucleus). Thus the positive and negative charges are balanced. Some atoms, however, lose or gain electrons in chemical reactions or in collisions with other particles. Ordinary atoms that ...
The emergence of collective motion among interacting, self-propelled agents is a central paradigm in non-equilibrium physics. Examples of such active matter range from swimming bacteria and cytoskeletal motility assays to synthetic self-propelled colloid
Write down all subjects, themes, places, things, activities or issues that are personally relevant and that matter to you(even random, unexpected things, such as a the art room sink, or heirloom knives and forks in your kitchen drawer). The purpose of any artwork is to communicate a messag...
why it matters, and more, we have a whole All My Relations (the podcast I co-created–more on that in a minute) episode about it: Season 1, Episode 7: Native Appropriations.
Send an email to to receive The Work, Christopher Luna’s monthly newsletter featuring news and events for poets in Vancouver, WA, Portland, OR and surrounding areas. The Ghost Town Poetry community respectfully encourages you to support Niche Wine Bar, whose owner...
 You’ve been getting catalogs in the mail with no postage because it was likely sent to your postal box via USPS Bound Printed Matter (or BPM). BPM mail, which is often referred to as Bulk Mail, is a class of mail that’s different from regular mail
Instead, well-designed conversational apps anticipate questions and guide customers through each interaction. Our clients, for example, already know in advance what the majority of customers will ask. They provide their customers with the information they are looking for before they have to even ask...
The Systemic Indoctrination Surrounding Birth Control Since my book,In the Name of The Pillcame out a few months ago, I’ve received several notes from women thanking me because the book gave them information they weren’t getting elsewhere and brought them comfort as they fought against a syst...
never knowing how full I was of their hope. I, and most of my classmates, could not in our young lives appreciate or imagine the gravity of what we represented to those people who sent us out of the house everyday. We could not decipher the pride on their faces, the lilt in their ...
Interpreting high-energy, astrophysical phenomena, such as supernova explosions or neutron-star collisions, requires a robust understanding of matter at supranuclear densities. However, our knowledge about dense matter explored in the cores of neutron st