Thus the wave-particle duality for light waves was established. The argument about wave-particle duality of light was extended to matter by Louis de Broglie in \(1924\). According to De Broglie, nature would be symmetric if matter also had both particle and wave properties. The matter is ma...
In the two preceding chapters it was shown that light, electrons and other elementary particles can have both wave and particle characteristics. In this chapter we will examine more closely how the wave properties of matter can be understood and described mathematically....
Wave-Particle Duality In the early 20th century, we discovered something amazing about particles and waves: light was both a particle and a wave. If that strikes you as impossible or hard to fathom, you wouldn't be alone; it took a long time to convince a world of skeptical physicists. ...
For example, future gravitational lensing observations could be used to probe the wave-like nature of axions and potentially measure their mass. A better understanding of dark matter will have implications for what we know about particle physics and the early Universe. It could also he...
The competition of cosmic expansion and entropy production leads to an intermediate plateau of constant temperature, which controls both the generated lepton asymmetry and the dark matter abundance. This enables us to establish relations between the neutrino and superparticle mass spectrum, rendering this...
The key element of most matter–wave interferometers is a diffractive beam splitter. Ideally, a diffractive beam splitter is a scattering potential for the incident particle. There is a general class of interferometers in which the splitters change, in general, both the external motion and the ...
Cavity approaches to OAT45 and QND46 entanglement of purely Bragg interferometers have also been proposed. Strong collective coupling to the cavity NC ≫ 1 is the key requirement for both approaches to generate entanglement, where C is the single particle cooperativity parameter43,47,48. ...
The wave function at t is given by46 ψ(x,t)=∫−∞∞dxiG(x,t;xi,0)ψ0(xi), (10) where G(x,t;xi,0)=m2πiℏtexp[im(x−xi)22ℏt]. (11) The kernel G(x,t;xi,0) is the free nonrelativistic propagator for a particle of mass m. After some algebraic manip...
In recent works, the gravitational wave (GW) signal GW170817 from a binary compact star system has been directly detected and declared by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration [31]. Lots of constraints on the thermodynamic properties of the strong interaction matter in compact stars have been calculated bas...
these particles can affect the heart and lungs, and cause serious health problems. Particle classes PM10 and PM2.5 (i.e. particles with diameter less than 10 µm and 2.5 µm respectively) are carefully monitored, both at emissions sources and in the air ...