On the alphabet soup that is CPUs and laptops – people need to be aware that laptop cpus are normally low power consumption versions, so a laptop intel i7 is NOT the same as a desktop i7 – https://www.cpubenchmark.net/ –is a good comparison site. Finally, tune the heck out of ...
…Or maybe not. Stephen Fry has been known to get behind such attempts in the past with mixed results. He brought his influence to bear ineffectively at Hindhead – failing to saveUndershaw, Conan Doyle’s old gaff, from developers who converted the site into a special needs school. But ...
Is America ready to shift 60-75% of it's workforce to permaculture labor? Bob Shaw in Phx,Az Are Humans Smarter than Yeast? roelon November 3, 2006 - 4:42pmPermalink|Parent|Comments top Keep doing Mexico Bob, it's good and relevant. Eh.. Pemex privatization requires changing the Consti...
Kyle Shaw / September 24, 2018 Quote This is the best. Just used it for a project. The only feature I thought could be useful is a built in arpeggiator. Maybe as an additional drop-down option under polyphony. Most DAWs have built in arps though so it's not really an inconvenience....
Jakob Hero-Shaw, the Trans, Queer, Senior Pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church of Tampa, Florida. Check out all the QuoirCast podcasts at quoir.com. Pick up Karen Shock's book, Too Much and Not Enough , now! Episode 180 Bonus Episode: We Have An Announcement! This is norm...
Lucas Shaw /Bloomberg: Universal Music Group says it is creating a “band” called Kingship out of four Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs and plans to feature them in video games, VR, and more— Kingship, consisting of four virtual apes, reimagines the idea of a band — and a brand ...