導演: Neill Blomkamp 尼爾保金 演員: Matt Damon 麥迪文, Jodie Foster 茱迪科士打 《District 9》(D9異形禁區) 刀仔鋸大樹一鳴驚人, 四年後搖身一變有大明星助陣 骨子裏仍蘊藏人文情懷, 對邊緣人物的關懷, 對重金企業的批判, 似乎火力仍在 Matt Damon 近年的動作英雄形象逐漸成形, 但 Bourne 系列之後原來才...
Over 100 fans have voted on the 50+ characters on Matt Damon's All-Time Greatest Characters. Current Top 3: Jason Bourne, Will Hunting, Private Ryan
Damon’s dilemma is compounded by his genuine friendship with Harry. “That certainly appeals to him, but he’s also got a relationship with Harry and he’s not going to just toss him to the side because William’s holding out these shiny offers.” Ultimately, Damon is “inte...
From a buffed up action hero in theBournefranchise to a genius janitor inGood Will Hunting, Matt Damon has immortalized some of the coolest (and sometimes some of the most wicked) characters of all time. Which of Matt’s characters is your favorite? Whether you prefer Matt as the charismati...
Nor has insisted on the mysteries of his being in the manner of Tom Cruise. Instead there’s a cipherlike aspect to Damon, a deeper impenetrability to who he is and what he does that even now, after a quarter-century of watching him, has become so entrenched that we take both it ...
“Apologies to Matt Damon,” Kimmel has been heard uttering countless times over the years, “we ran out of time.” That gag has now lasted over a decade, with a disgruntled Damon even going so far as to kidnap Kimmel and take over an entire episode of the show. ...
Matt Damon to Receive Stanley Kubrick Britannia Award The Academy Award-winning actor-writer-producer joins an esteemed list of previous winners including Meryl Streep, George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Robert De Niro, Steven Spielberg and Denzel Washington. General News Sep 20, 2017 11:52 am By ...
Matt Damon, Paul Rudd, Jon Hamm, and Martin Short induct Kristen Wiig into the Five-Timers Club SNL two-timer Matt Damon stood up to compliment Wiig, telling her he "grew up watching" her on SNL as Wiig frowned at the nonsensical math in that statement. When Wiig questioned the pr...
Matt Damon is an American professional actor, producer, and screenwriter with an estimated net worth of $170 Million. Damon’s movies have grossed over $10.7 billion at the global box office, making him one of the highest-grossing actors ever. In the early stages of his career, he made ju...
Posted in TOP FIVES with tags Kate Winslet, Matt Damon, Movies, Tom Cruise on August 23, 2012 by Ross McG Total Recall is released here next week. Yes, we know that sentence sounds familiar. It was first written in 1990, when it was Arnie not Colinie (doesn’t really work, does ...