Matrizes curriculares, laboratórios e TCCs: três dimenses do tensionamento entre teoria e prática no Ensino de Jornalismodoi:10.5212/revistapautageral.v.10.21877JOURNALISMTWENTIETH centuryJOURNALISTSCOMMUNICATION educationUNDERGRADUATESDebates on journalism courses in Braz...
Matrizes curriculares de contabilidade nas universidades públicas NorteRio-Grandenses e o Currículo Mundialdoi:10.7769/gesec.v14i3.1875This research aimed to analyze and compare the conformity index of the curricular matrices of the Accounting Sciences courses available in public univer...
The National Curriculum Guidelines for Journalism (2013), which had the merit of institutionalizing Journalism as a specific course, contributing to the consolidation of Journalism as a teaching and research practice, made little progress in innovative ways of teaching. The ob...