We introduce matrix-valued weight functions of arbitrary size, which are analogues of the weight function for the Gegenbauer or ultraspherical polynomials for the parameter\nu >0. The LDU-decomposition of the weight is explicitly given in terms of Gegenbauer polynomials. We establish a matrix-valued...
Matrix-Valued Query指的是输出结果为矩阵的查询函数。与传统的标量值查询函数不同,矩阵值查询函数能够提供更丰富的信息,例如统计多个变量之间的关系或数据的多维结构。然而,这也给差分隐私保护带来了更大的挑战,因为需要对矩阵中的每个元素都进行噪声添加,以保持隐私性。 探讨如何在Matrix-Valued Query下实现Differential...
S. Lowitzsch, Matrix-valued radial basis functions: Stability estimates and applications, Adv. Comput. Math., 23 (2005), pp. 299-315.Lowitzsch, S.: Matrix-valued radial basis functions: stability estimates and applications. Adv. Comput. Math. 23 , 299–315 (2005) MATH MathSciNet...
《Shortest Paths in Graphs with Matrix-Valued Edges: Concepts, Algorithm and Application to 3D Multi-Shape Analysis》是一篇发表在3DV 2021会议上的论文,介绍了一种针对具有矩阵值边的图的最短路径计算方法。该论文提出了新颖的概念和算法,可以在处理3D多形状分析等领域中发挥重要作用。论文作者还提供了对应的...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: matrix-valued【数】 matrix-valued【数】分享到: 矩阵值的分类: 科技词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: 赞助商链接 你知道它的英文吗? ·矩阵变换法 ·矩阵转置 ·矩阵树定理 ·矩阵单位 ·...
摘要: This paper introduces matrix-valued feedforward neural networks, for which the inputs, outputs, weights and biases are all square matrices. This type of networks represents a natural generalization of关键词: Clifford-valued neural networks Backpropagation algorithm Matrix-valued neural networks ...
We formulate an optimal transport problem for matrix-valued density functions. This is pertinent in the spectral analysis of multivariable time-series. The "mass" represents energy at various frequencies whereas, in addition to a usual transportation cost across frequencies, a cost of rotation is als...
Matrix-ValuedKernels DilinWang*ZiangTang⇤ChandrajitBajajQiangLiu DepartmentofComputerScience,UTAustin {dilin,ztang,bajaj,lqiang}@ Steinvariationalgradientdescent(SVGD)isaparticle-basedinferencealgorithm thatleveragesgradientinformationforefficientapproximateinference.Inthiswork, ...
Rees semi-group of matrix type R吧矩阵型半群【R昭胭城一gr.lpof叮Iatri旅仃伴;P知e。砚翔"。月犷p邓Ila Ma印11明oro硼a] 按下法定义的一种半群结构.设S为任意一个半群(semi一group),I,A为两个(指标)集合,而p二(尸*,)为S上一个(Axl)矩阵,即由众scartes积A xl到S内的一映射.下列公式定...
1) matrix-valued wavelet packets 矩阵值小波包 1. Characterization of a class ofmatrix-valued wavelet packets; 一类矩阵值小波包的刻划 2. This article is to investigate biorthogonalmatrix-valued wavelet packetsin higher dimensions. 运用傅立叶变换、积分变换和算子理论,讨论了它们的性质,得到关于高维矩阵值...