然 后呢,你想把这个细胞型文件转成矩阵,数据类型变成double,最简单的思维方式就是cell2mat,先转成string,然后再str2num就好 了。很可惜,在matlab里面,cell2mat是默认要求你的矩阵的大小是统一的,可是这里呢,‘8’的长度是1,‘14’的长度是2,所以转换的时 候就会出问题,就会出现错误提示。 >> cell2mat(a) ??
This, that you say is "best answer", is the same solution that was posted 23 months earlier at https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/286544-how-i-could-convert-matrix-double-to-cell-array-of-string#comment_637933 Also, at the time of the original question, compose(...
Hi, I have a matrix A. A(:,:,1)=[1,1;2,2];A(:,:,2)=[2,2;3,3];A(:,:,3)=[3,3;4,4] How can I combin these three layers in to one cell layer? e.g. A(1,1)={1,2,3}; A(1,2)={1,2,3};A(2,1)={2,3,4};A(2,2)={2,3,4} Thanks!
1.matlab-c++混合编程常用API 2.c++读取matrix类型数据 matrix读取结果如下: 同时利用c++新生成矩阵如下: 3.c++读取struct类型数据 struct读取结果如下: 4.c++读取cell类型数据 读取cell类型数据如下: 1.matlab-c++混合编程常用API https://zlearning.netlify.com/communication/matlab/matlabcmexapi 2.c++读取matri...
MATLAB Online で開く You can do this テーマコピー M={1 [7 8] 3 [ 1 5 6] 0 [1 5 8] 2 10 } n=cellfun(@numel,M) m=max(n); N=cell(m,numel(M)) for k=1:numel(M) N(1:n(k),k)=num2cell(M{k}') end The result テーマコピー N = [1] [7] [3] [1] [...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 You cannot do that. Numeric matrices cannot have spaces in them. You can convert the matrix into a cell array and put spaces into the cell array... but it is not clear why you would do that. myCell = num2cell(MyMatrix); ...
0 링크 번역 댓글:Antoine van Hirtum2018년 6월 12일 symboliccelltomatrix.m How to convert Symbolic Cell to Matrix Double on which I can perform calculations and which I can plot? The cell2mat function does not seem to work. Thanks for your help. syms R;%Radius Pi = sym...
文章目录 1.matlab-c++混合编程常用API 2.c++读取matrix类型数据 matrix读取结果如下: 同时利用c++新生成矩阵如下: 3.c++读取struct类型数据 struct读取结果如下: 4.c++读取cell类型数据 读取cell类型数据如下: 1.matlab-c++混合编程常用API https://zlearning.netlify.com/communicati... ...
Open in MATLAB Online So I'm having an issue adjusting this function to work with my actual dataset and it may be because I still don't understand the function quite right. (See answer to my original question here -http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/24527-reshape-cell-to-matr...
Sign in to comment. More Answers (1) Sean de Wolskion 28 Feb 2012 0 Link Open in MATLAB Online Do the sizes all line up? You could first run your cell through a for-loop that identifies, '#N/A's and then replaces them. E.g: ...