我们在Stata中使用矩阵时,有时需要给它们一个自定义的名称,这时我们在命令matrix后面分别添加命令rownames和colnames就能完成对矩阵行和列的命名。在Stata中对于任意一个新读入的矩阵,系统会自动赋予行名和列名,分别为r1,r2,…;c1,c2,…。 首先读入矩阵A并且展示一下矩阵A,可以看到矩阵A的行名称和列名称分别为r1,...
say, a 1 for e(TR) and 2 for e(TC)), resulting in an (R + C) x (j +1) matrix, and then export the matrix, with rownames, to an ASCII comma-separated file. Can this be done and how? * * For searches and help try: *http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html ...
local names : rownames M gen str rown = "`names'" and got the variable rown, but it's blank. I also used gen str rown = `names' but got an error message saying Frag300 not found. How do I save the row names as a variable? I'm using Stata 10 on a Vista machine. * * ...
qrowname returns lists of double-quoted row equations, row names and row full names for a matrix specified by matrix_name. qcolname returns lists of double-quoted column equations, column names and column full names for a matrix specified by matrix_name. The lists are stored in the saved ...
row vector [ ] 3 2 1 = b type matrix b=(1,2,3) and to create a matrix ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ ⎤ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ ⎡ = 6 5 4 3 2 1 X type matrix X=(1,2\3,4\5,6) To check what any matrix (or vector) looks like type matrix list matrix name and stata will ...
egen m=rowmiss(_all) drop if m>0 <hr/>stata中如何写命令将原本为缺失值“.”的换成0值 replace var1=0 if var1==. 好像可以这么做: mvdecode var1-var5, mv(0=.) mvencode var1-var5, mv(.=0) 如果用上述方法替换不了的话,可以采用强制替换命令: mvencode _all, mv(0) over...
. matrix rownames cellcounts = `sexlabels' . matlist cellcounts | c1 c2 c3 ---+--- Female | 101 12 563 Male | 75 10 506 I can use the same steps to rename the columns ofcellcountswith the value labels ofrace. . decode race, generate(race_s) . levelsof ra...
摘要: tabstatmat picks up any matrices saved after tabstat as r(Stat1), etc., and possibly as r(StatTot), together with their rownames saved as r(name1), etc., and puts them in a single named matrix.关键词:tabstat tables matrices ...