Recently, the economists have focused their researches to use the fuzzy concepts and the artificial learning procedures in the theory of economic choice. This paper extends the work done in this direction and offers a new algorithm for finding the matrix representation of the fuzzy binary relation ...
网络矩阵表示;矩阵表示法;矩阵表象 网络释义 1. 矩阵表示 物理专业英语词汇(M)|数学物理英语词汇 ... matrix mechanics 矩阵力学matrix representation矩阵表示matter 物质 ...|基于46个网页 2. 矩阵表示法 取而代之,以矩阵表示法(matrix representation),可得到公式:YUV 转 RGB R = Y + Cr +...
Fig. 1.Matrix representation of a graph in memory. Common algorithms that use this representation areall-pair shortest path(APSP) andtransitive closure[3–9]. If the graph is weighted, each value off(i,j) is defined as follows: Mi,j0ifi=jwi,jifi≠jandi,j∈E∞ifi≠jandi,j∉E On GPU...
Reticular cells and their extra - cellularmatrix form. the basic framework of lymphoid tissues the reticulum. 网状细胞和它们周围的细胞外基质形成了淋巴组织的基本骨架—网状组织. 互联网 A representation of the relation between inputs, files, and outputs inmatrix form. ...
1) matrix representation 矩阵表示1. Based on the minimizing the distance function between two Bézier curves in the sense of the least squares normal(L 2), a method for approximate merging of two adjacent degree n Bézier curves by a single degree n Bézier curve is given by using matrix ...
A matrix can be seen as an internal representation of equivalence relations. Furthermore, matrix computation " min" implements the operation "AND" on equivalence relations, and the matrix relation "" corresponds to the relation "". Finally, this operation on matrices is carried out for its ...
A matrix can be seen as an internal representation of equivalence relations. The binary relation in FCA can establish contact with matrix through rough set theory. Representing knowledge in a form of matrix has many advantages. For examples, to represent knowledge in a form of a discernibility ...
Both the representation selection and verbal justification data provided strong support for the structural analysis. Additionally, a factor analysis of students' justifications indicated that the organization of their knowledge is consistent with the structural analysis. Students' use of the structural ...
2.1.454 Part 1 Section 17.16.2, XML representation 2.1.455 Part 1 Section, Bookmarks 2.1.456 Part 1 Section, Operators 2.1.457 Part 1 Section, Table cell references 2.1.458 Part 1 Section, Date and time formatting 2.1.459 Part 1 ...
Mode superposition approach involves representation of the dynamic response as the --- of natural modes. 13. The coupled equations of motion [M]Q→¨+[K]Q→=P→ can be --- by assuming Q→(t)=[Q¯]η→(t) where η→(t) denotes the vector of n generalized coordinates. 14. A sy...