这里如果用norm的话,也可以得到酉矩阵的范数为1,不影响,其实酉矩阵也就是不改变长度的矩阵。property:齐次性(乘法),可加性,三角不等式性质(两边之和大于第三边) induced norm(诱导范数) 是由向量范数诱导出来的就是矩阵乘以向量的范数除以向量范数 ‖A‖p=maxx≠0‖Ax‖p‖x‖p 还是从Spectral norm or l2...
弗罗贝尼乌斯范数 对p= 2,这称为弗罗贝尼乌斯范数(Frobenius norm)或希尔伯特-施密特范数(Hilbert–Schmidt norm),不过后面这个术语通常只用于希尔伯特空间。这个范数可用不同的方式定义: 这里A* 表示A的共轭转置,σiσ�σi��是A的奇异值,并使用了迹函数。弗罗贝尼乌斯范数与K^{n}}K^{n}}上欧几里得范数...
Norm-preserving dilationspectral normpositive semidefinite matrixpositive definite matrixblock matrix15A0915A2415A6047A20Consider the following problem: given a positive semidefinite (definite) matrix , and , such that , find a matrix X satisfying In 1996, Zheng presented the expressions for X formed ...
美 英 un.矩阵范数;矩阵模 网络计算矩阵的p-范数 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 矩阵范数 2. 矩阵模 例句
The Matrix 1-Norm block computes the 1-norm or maximum column-sum of anM-by-Ninput matrixA. y=‖A‖1=max1≤j≤NM∑i=1∣aij∣ Equivalent MATLAB®code is given by: y = max(sum(abs(A))) Examples Compute Maximum Column Sum of Matrix ...
norm n.[C] 1.标准,规范 2.准则 3.平均数;(工作日的)定额 4.【数】模方;范数 5.【地】标准矿物成分 matrix n. 1.【数学】矩阵 2.(人或社会成长发展的)社会环境,政治局势 3.线路网,道路网 4.【术语】基体,铸模 5.【计算机】矩阵转接电路 6.【地理】杂基 Matrix n. 矩阵 n. 矩阵 n. 矩阵...
For example, the allocation relationship in Figure 14.4 is read: “The activity Adjust Focus Motor is allocated to the block Focus Optimizer”, and “the block Focus Optimizer is allocated from the activity Adjust Focus Motor”. The latter could be interpreted as “The block Focus Optimizer is...
Norm. 【缩写】 =Norman above norm 超标准,超定额 pseudo norm 伪模 quasi norm 拟范数 micromatrix 显微基体; 微矩阵 Cerromatrix 赛露玛特利克斯易熔合金 最新单词 airborne early warning and control的中文意思 空中预先警报和控制 airborne early warning (AEW)的意思 空中预警 airborne early warni...
2.4.9 Block Matrices A matrix whose each entry is a matrix is called a block matrix. A block diagonal matrix is a diagonal matrix whose each entry is a matrix. A block triangular matrix is similarly defined. The JCF is an example of a block diagonal matrix. Suppose A is partitioned in...
matrix norm over