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Directed graph – It is a graph with V vertices and E edges where E edges are directed.In directed graph,if Viand Vjnodes having an edge.than it is represented by a pair of triangular brackets Vi,Vj. Here is the source code of the C program to create a graph using adjacency matrix....
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maths maths calculator maths mcqs class 8 maths mcqs class 9 maths mcqs class 10 maths mcqs class 11 maths mcqs class 12 maths mcqs maths math article matrix multiplication matrix multiplication in linear algebra, matrices play an important role in dealing with different concepts. a matrix is a...
important questions for class 11 maths important questions for class 12 maths maths calculator maths mcqs class 8 maths mcqs class 9 maths mcqs class 10 maths mcqs class 11 maths mcqs class 12 maths mcqs maths math article identity matrix identity matrix identity matrix is the matrix which is ...
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The number which is associated with the matrix is the determinant of a matrix. The determinant of a square matrix is represented inside vertical bars. Let Q be a square matrix having real elements and P is the determinant, then, Q = ...