matrix a = 3*A matrix list a 2. Matrix multiplication, commutative, associative, distributive #conformable matrix A = (7, -2\3,4\5,3) matrix D = (1,3,4\6,8,2) # A*B != B*A matrix E = A * D matrix list E matrix C = D * A matrix list C # Matrix multiplication is ...
matrix A = (1,2.3,4.5) //首先读入一个矩阵Amatrix input B = (1,2.3,4.5) //读入矩阵Bmat list A //列出矩阵Amat list B //列出矩阵Bmat dir //显示内存中的所有矩阵mat rename A C //将矩阵A命名为Cmat drop C //删除矩阵C 命名矩阵的行和列 二 我们在Stata中使用矩阵时,有时需要给它们一...
. matrix list e(V) . matrix list e(b) . matrix x = e(V) . matrix y = e(b) . matrix z = 0.1 * I(4) + 0.9 * e(V) The matrix functionget(see[P]matrix get) is also available for retrieving these matrices. You may access the coefficients and standard errors in expressions ...
To<> Subjectst: RE: RE: Matrix list DateThu, 20 Apr 2006 12:20:41 +0100 Another tip, perhaps obvious, is to consider tuning the -format()-. Nick David Harrison > Use -set linesize #- to set the theoretical width of the > res...
(or vector) looks like type matrix list matrix name and stata will respond Eg matrix list a a[3,1] c1 c1 1 c2 2 c2 3 (Stata tells you there are 3 rows and 1 column in this particular vector) You can also form a matrix using the variable names in your data set Suppose you ...
stata-sp 1:数据准备之spset和spshape2dta 将“China.shp”、“China.shx”、“China.dbf”、“China.prj”和paneldata.dta放在同一文件夹,例如E盘的project文件夹。 stata cd "E:/project" //设定工作路径 spshape2dta "China.shp" , replace
spcs2xt通过stata中已有的dta文件,将已经存在的横截面矩阵,在相邻位置之间创建或生成平方的面板空间权矩阵和文件,以用于面板空间回归分析。 命令语法格式为: spcs2xtvarlist , panel(numlist) time(numlist) matrix(new_panel_weight_file) 选项含义为:
针对你遇到的问题“matrix e(b) not found; run/post a regression, or specify varlist for non-regression outputs”,这通常出现在使用Stata进行统计分析时,尤其是在尝试访问或操作回归分析的结果矩阵(如系数矩阵e(b))时。下面我将根据提供的tips逐一解答: 确认问题来源和上下文: 这个错误通常发生在尝试访问或...
list st_store(a,b,c)的关键是:(1)a、b、c都是mata中的向量;(2)以a与b在stata当前数据库中定义出一台“观测值区域”,该区域须与c同型;(3)以c中的值替换该区域的值。 *不用循环 clear all set ob 30 mata a=uniform(30,5) st_store(.,st_addvar("float",("...