We use only left eigenvectors to evaluate the matrix exponential in the method of discrete ordinates for the vector radiative transfer equation, which neglects circular polarization, in a plane-parallel atmosphere. This is contrary to a common practice of using the right eigenvectors to evaluate ...
Output 1—Matrix exponential output matrix Block Characteristics Data Types double|single Direct Feedthrough no Multidimensional Signals no Variable-Size Signals no Zero-Crossing Detection no Extended Capabilities C/C++ Code Generation Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™. ...
Matrix Exponential The Taylor expansion of eAt is: eAt=I+At+12!A2t2+13!A3t3+...+1n!Antn+... And like 11−x=∑i=0∞xi , we get: (I−At)−1=I+A2t2+...+Antn+... When all eigenvalues of A are smaller than 1 , the series will converge. Now we try to prove eAt...
In cancer, the extracellular matrix is altered at the biochemical, biomechanical, architectural and topographical levels, and recent years have seen an exponential increase in the study and recognition of the importance of the matrix in solid tumours. Coupled with the advancement of new technologies ...
The singular values of a matrix and those of its exponential are related via multiplicative majorization. Matrices giving some equalities in the majorization are characterized. As an application, a scalar inequality for the exponential function is generalized to a matrix-valued inequality and the case...
This paper extends the matrix exponential spatial specification to panel data models. The matrix exponential spatial panel specification produces estimates and inferences comparable to those from conventional spatial panel models, but has computational advantages. We present maximum likelihood approach to the...
The matrix exponential can be calculated by exponentiating the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues: eA=VeDV−1. As a practical numerical method, the accuracy is determined by the condition of the eigenvector matrix. Get A = Asave; [V,D] = eig(A); E = V * diag(exp(diag(D))) / V...
Global exponential stability of BAM neural networks with time-varying delays: The discrete-time case R. Raja, S. Marshal Anthoni, in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2011 Throughout this paper, Rn and Rn×m denote respectively, the n-dimensional Euclidean space and th...
摘要: Weevisithenalysisf projectionethodsorationalunctionpproximationoheatrix exponential,nd present newesultor establishingonvergencefhe Pade-plus-Krylovpproximation when ||A|| > 1.关键词: Krylov subspace Matrix exponential Rational function approximation ...
Recently, a matrix exponential based algorithm for solving a symmetric positive de nite (SPD) system of linear equations (the EXP algorithm) has been proposed [14]. The EXP algorithm is highly parallelizable and therefore provides greater margin of speed up through parallelization than the existing...