Bladder acellular matrix and its application in bladder augmentation. Tissue Eng. Part B Rev. 20, 163–172 (2014). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Aitken, K. J. & Bagli, D. J. The bladder extracellular matrix. Part II: regenerative applications. Nat. Rev. Urol. 6, 612–621 (2009). CAS...
For example, have you tried getting a push notification when an item reaches its due date?Get started with Priority Matrix HIPAA for Power AutomatePriority Matrix HIPAA is a general purpose task and project management system. As such, it can be used for a multitude of purposes, depending on ...
Huang [38] introduced the ( T , S ) -based IVIF composition matrix, the ( T , S ) -based IVIF equivalence matrix and its application for clustering, where ( T , S ) is a dual triangular module. At present, no one has studied the construction of an equivalence matrix based on ...
The probability model: 𝑃(𝐠,𝐦)=𝑃(𝐠|𝐦)𝑃(𝐦)P(g,m)=P(g|m)P(m) is used to jointly describe the input image of the brain 𝐠g and its map 𝐦m, where that input image is co-aligned with the training database. Such probability model is a combination of the ...
The following example creates the Matrix object myMatrix and sets its b value. import flash.geom.Matrix; var myMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix(); trace(myMatrix.b); // 0 var degrees:Number = 30; var radians:Number = (degrees/180) * Math.PI; myMatrix.b = Math.tan(radians); trace(my...
"bedpe": used for bedpe files with each SV annotated with its type, size bin, and clustered/non-clustered status. Please check the required format at "seg:TYPE": used for a multi-sample segmentation...
Hence, we wanted to test whether it would be possible to achieve a double benefit from the strength of monolayer 3D cell preparations and the DHM imaging and its accompanying software application for easy and robust quantifications of cells embedded in and invading into Matrigel. Results and ...
The sample application to accompany my conference talk "Enter The Matrix" on matrix transformations. Abstract: Matrix transformations can make your user interfaces come to life: translate, scale, and rotate. Each on its own is relatively simple and straightforward. Yet many developers are daunted wh...
The GMOseek matrix was built as a comprehensive, online open-access tabulated database which provides a reliable, comprehensive and user-friendly overview of 328 GMO events and 247 different genetic elements (status: 18/07/2013). The GMOseek matrix is aiming to facilitate GMO detection from plan...
1b presents the transmission electron microscope (TEM) image of the GR-COOH powders along with the corresponding selected area electron diffraction (SAD) pattern and the HRTEM image exhibiting its layer numbers of 3–5. The characteristic of graphene (GR-COOH) have been listed in Table 1. ...