The patrilineal definition is a system that determines kinship based on a male lines of relatives. A patrilineal society is a society that bases lineage or ancestry off a male line, rather than a female line.Matrilineal vs. Patrilineal Descent Matrilineal descent and patrilineal descent are two di...
To this aim, a case study was carried out, using a questionnaire survey to compare three kinship groups (harmonic matrilineal, matrilineal and patrilineal). The land rights considered are ownership and control. The measurement of empowerment is based on three questions relating to household decision...
98K Study the white whale metaphor and other Moby-Dick symbolism. Explore metaphors and critical themes found in Herman Melville's novel, with a focus on Moby Dick. Related to this QuestionWhat is matrilineal inheritance? What is matrilineal descent? What is a patrilineal kinship system? What ...
(Anthropology & Ethnology) relating to descent or kinship through the female line ˌmatriˈlineallyadv Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
The role of gender and kinship structure in household decision-making for agriculture and tree planting in Malawi In patrilineal households decisions were made more often by the husband alone compared to matrilineal families where there was more joint decision-making by husbands and wives together. De...
In the latter, the highest-ranking members were chosen based more on ability and achievement rather than descent (whether patrilineal or matrilineal). The debate about the importance of kinship and unilineal descent groups in the evolution of complex society is a long-standing issue in anthropology...