在作图的时候,明明plt.plot()中设置了label的值,但是在图中plt.show()以后就是没有显示出来那个标签,如下图所示: 此时,只需要添加一个函数plt.legend()用来标示不同图形的文本标签图例就行了。... 查看原文 生成波动图 plt.plot(x,y,label= '$sin(x) + 1',color = 'red' , linewidth = 2) #用xy...
plt.show() Legends are essential when you have multiple datasets in a single plot. Thelabelparameter is used to specify the name of each dataset, and thelegend()function displays the legend on the plot. Saving Plots You can save your plots in various formats like PNG, PDF, SVG, etc. pl...
In thisPython Matplotlib tutorial, we’ll discuss theMatplotlib legend font size. Here we’ll cover different examples related tolegend font sizeusing matplotlib in Python. And we’ll also cover the following topics: Matplotlib legend font size Matplotlib bar chart legend font size Matplotlib default...
Bug report Bug summary When trying to create a scatter plot with custom colors the examples for creating a legend do not work anymore. If I missed a relevant example please let me know Code for reproduction import numpy as np import matp...
Plotting this produces a legend with all the individual lines showing: df.plot(color='gray',alpha=0.3) However, just by changing the column names to start with an underscore you can hide all the entries in the legend. In this example, I actually set one of the columns to a namewithout...
ax.add_artist(colour_legend) plt.show() Which results in: A baseline scatter plot before applying rcParams — Image by Author There is absolutely nothing wrong with the plot above, but let’s assume that it is not to our liking and we want to add our own styling. ...
I made a simple function combo_legend(ax) to combine items that have the same label in such matplotlib figures. So they do not need to per se be collections of similar items, just have the same text label. # Can pass these to legend def combo_legend(ax): handler, labeler = ax.get...
# the border between the axes and legend edge in fraction of fontsize #legend.shadow : False #legend.frameon : True # whether or not to draw a frame around legend #legend.framealpha : None # opacity of of legend frame #legend.scatterpoints : 3 # number of scatter points ### FIGURE ...