每一个Axis对象包含一个label属性以及主刻度和小刻度的列表。刻度是XTick和YTick对象,其包含着实际线和文本元素,分别代表刻度和注释。因为刻度是根据需要动态创建的,你应该通过获取方法get_major_ticks()和get_minor_ticks()以获取主刻度和小刻度的列表。尽管刻度包含了所有的元素,并且将会在下面代码中涵盖,Axis In...
Out[287]:10Text major ticklabel objects># note there are twice as many ticklines as labels because by# default there are tick lines at the top and bottom but only tick# labels below the xaxis; this can be customizedIn [288]: axis.get_ticklines() Out[288]:20Line2D ticklines objects...
lines = plt.plot(x, np.sin(x), x, np.cos(x)) 调用setp()以同时配置多个对象的属性,这里同时设置两条曲线的颜色和线宽: plt.setp(lines, color="r”, linewidth=4.0) 通过调用Line2D对象的get_*()或者通过plt.getp()来获取对象的属性值: line.get_linewidth() plt.getp(lines[0], "color")...
金牌呃起始位置就是每个国家对应的 x 数值,银牌的起始位置就是每个国家对应的 x 数值再加上金牌柱状图的宽度,铜牌的起始位置与银牌相似,加上两倍的金牌位置即可(这里我们将每个柱状图的宽度均设置为 0.2)。 gold_x = x silver_x = x + width bronze_x = x + 2 * width 在上述运行完成后,分别绘制...
clim([vmin, vmax])Set the color limits of the current image.https://matplotlib.org/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.clim.html#matplotlib.pyplot.clim close([fig])Close a figure window.https://matplotlib.org/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.close.html#matplotlib.pyplot.close ...
y_limits = ax.get_ylim3d() z_limits = ax.get_zlim3d() x_range = abs(x_limits[1] - x_limits[0]) x_middle = np.mean(x_limits) y_range = abs(y_limits[1] - y_limits[0]) y_middle = np.mean(y_limits) z_range = abs(z_limits[1] - z_limits[0]) ...
plt.plot(x, y2)# plot the second curve in this figure with certain parametersplt.plot(x, y1, color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle='--')# set x limitsplt.xlim((-1,2)) plt.ylim((-2,3)) plt.xlabel('I am x') plt.ylabel('I am y')# set new sticksnew_ticks = np.linspace...
In [268]: print rect.get_transform() <Affine object at 0x15009ca4> # the default axes transformation is ax.transData In [269]: print ax.transData <Affine object at 0x15009ca4> # notice that the xlimits of the Axes have not been changed ...
matplotlib.pyplot.xticks(*args,**kwargs)Getorsetthe x-limits of the current tick locationsandlabels.matplotlib.pyplot.yticks(*args,**kwargs)Getorsetthe y-limits of the current tick locationsandlabels. 这2个函数,可以设置x轴和y轴的标签和坐标长度及间距,还是很好玩儿的 ...
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