6))# 绘制带误差条的柱状图ax.bar(categories,values,yerr=errors,capsize=5)# 设置标题和轴标签ax.set_title('Bar Chart with Error Bars - how2matplotlib.com')ax.set_xlabel('Categories')ax.set_ylabel('Values
importmatplotlib.pyplotaspltimportnumpyasnp categories=['A','B','C','D']values=np.random.rand(4)bars=plt.bar(categories,values)plt.title('Bar Chart with Markers - how2matplotlib.com')forbarinbars:plt.plot(bar.get_x()+bar.get_width()/2,bar.get_height(),marker='*',markersize=15,c...
[20, 34, 30, 35] errors = [2, 3, 5, 1] # 这里可以是标准差、置信区间等 # 绘制条形图 x = np.arange(len(labels)) plt.bar(x, means, yerr=errors, capsize=5) # 添加标签和标题 plt.xticks(x, labels) plt.ylabel('Values') plt.title('Bar Chart with Error Bars') #...
Matplotlib plot bar chart with different colors You can specify different colors to different bars in a bar chart. You can do it by specifying the value for the parametercolorin thematplotlib.pyplot.bar()function, which can accept the list of color names or color codes or color hash codes. ...
Bar Chart with Multiple X’s To include multiple X values on the same chart, we can reduce the width of the bars and then place the indices one bar’s width further from the y axis. In [4]: import numpy as np N = 5 men_means = (20, 35, 30, 35, 27) women_means = (25,...
基础的Errorbars 直方图、条形图、核密度图 彩色直方图 二维直方图和条形图 自定义plot的图例legend 为图例legend选择元素 多个图例Legends 自定义Colorbars 多个Subplots Subplots中的网格 更复杂的设计 文本注释 箭头注释 自定义坐标轴ticks 自定义Matplotlib: 配置和风格 Matplotlib中的三维plot Basemap地理图 快速参考...
8.带有误差条的折线图(Line Plot with Error Bars) 误差条用于显示数据的误差范围或不确定性。 importmatplotlib.pyplotaspltimportnumpyasnp# 示例数据x_data=np.arange(0,10,1)y_data=np.sin(x_data)y_err=0.2# 设置每个数据点的误差范围# 创建带误差条的折线图plt.errorbar(x_data,y_data,yerr=y_err...
bar_width = 0.4 # Initialize the vertical-offset for the stacked bar chart. y_offset = np.array([0.0] * len(columns)) # Plot bars and create text labels for the table cell_text = [] for row in range(n_rows): plt.bar(index, data[row], bar_width, bottom=y_offset, color=colors...
· bar()函数需要输入X轴和Y轴的数据 plt.bar()函数具有以下参数,可用于配置绘图: · Width, Color, edge colour, line width, tick_label, align, bottom, · Error Bars – xerr, yerr # lets create a simple bar chart # x-axis is shows the subject and y -axis shows the markers in each ...
The syntax for multiple bar chart graph plotting is given below: matplotlib.pyplot.bar(x, height, width=None, bottom=None, align='center', data=None, **kwargs) The parameters are defined below: x:specify the x-coordinates of the bars. ...