“DC Voltage Source”模块幅值设为110V;“powergui”中“Simulation type”选为“continuous”,并且选中“Enable use of ideal switching device”复选框;“Pulse Generator3”中“Amplitude”设为1,由于题目要求输出电压频率为50Hz,即周期为0.02S,所以“Period”设为0.02,“Phase Delay”设为零,即初始相位为零,这...
我设置的参数为:直流电压DC=220V;脉冲发生器Pulse Generator的幅值Amplitude为1,周期Period为0.02,占空比为50%;脉冲发生器Pulse Generator1的幅值、周期、占空比均与Pulse Generator一样,但是相位延迟Phase delay为0.01;负载R=10、L=2e-2;其余的各个IGBT以与二极管Diode均取默认值。 仿真波形如下: 图3.6 逆变环节的...
利用matlab/simulink进行仿真,在simulink工作空间中添加下列元件:Diode、IGBT、DC Voltage Source、Series PLC Branch、Multimeter、Current Measurement、powergui、Pulse Generator、Floating Scope、Demux等。利用上述模块构成如下图所示的单相桥式逆变电路模型。图3 单相桥式你变电路图 各个模块的参数如下图: “Pulse ...
With PWM, we’re able to adjust a constant DC voltage to different voltage levels. This helps us control a motor at varying speeds. The video demonstrates two common architectures for PWM control. In the first one, we use a buck converter along with a PWM generator to step down the...
该电路中开关器件用IGBT,控制IGBT的波形由PWM脉冲生成器Pulse Generator产生,Pulse Generator在Simulink Library Browser的Simulink下拉菜单Sources 类别中。在绘制仿真图时,打开Simulink Library Browser,可以在分类菜单中查找所 需元件,也可以直接在查找栏中输入元件名称,如Pulse Generator,双击查找。找到 元件后直接将其拖...
stable operation.The approachusingelectrical principle and toolbox of simulink and power system in Matlab has completed the modeling and simulation of system.The model of simulation and parameters controllers and PWM generator is introduced emphatically.As well as mutual inductance parameter in DC motors...
“DC Voltage Source”模块幅值设为110V;“powergui”中“Simulation type”选为“continuous”,并且选中“Enable use of ideal switching device”复选框;“Pulse Generator3”中“Amplitude”设为1,由于题目要求输出电压频率为50Hz,即周期为0.02S,所以“Period”设为0.02,“Phase Delay”设为零,即初始相位为零,这...
stable operation.The approachusingelectrical principle and toolbox of simulink and power system in Matlab has completed the modeling and simulation of system.The model of simulation and parameters controllers and PWM generator is introduced emphatically.As well as mutual inductance parameter in DC motors...
“DC Voltage Source”模块幅值设为 110V;“powergui”中“Simulation type”选为 “continuous” , 并且选中 “Enable use of ideal switching device” 复选框; “Pulse Generator3” 中“Amplitude” 设为 1, 由于题目要求输出电压频率为 50Hz, 即周期为 0.02S, 所以 “Period” 设为 0.02,“Phase Delay”...
“DC Voltage Source”模块幅值设为 110V;“powergui”中“Simulation type”选为 “continuous” , 并且选中 “Enable use of ideal switching device” 复选框; “Pulse Generator3” 中“Amplitude” 设为 1, 由于题目要求输出电压频率为 50Hz, 即周期为 0.02S, 所以 “Period” 设为 0.02,“Phase Delay”...