在安装并激活Mac版MathWorks Matlab R2023b ( ARM版本)后,遇到了一个 License Manager Error -8 的报错,提示许可证验证失败。问题的核心在于,许可证文件的HostID与当前机器不匹配,或者服务器线上的HostID与许可证文件的不一致。为解决这个问题,可以直接采取以下步骤:首先,尝试从官...
MathWorks matlab R2023b ARM 版本安装激活后出现报错:License Manager Error -8 License checkout failed. License Manager Error -8 Make sure the HostID of the license file matches this ma…
License Manager Error -8 License checkout fAIled. License Manager Error -8 Make sure the HostID of the license file matches this machine, and that the HostID on the SERVER line matches the HostID of the license file. 解决方法 重新下载补丁安装即可 前往下载MathWorks Matlab R2023b For Mac 注...