File "c:\Users\Hongfei Lv\.vscode\extensions\affenwiesel.matlab-formatter-2.11.0/formatter/", line 66def cellIndent(self, line, cellOpen:str, cellClose:str, indent):^SyntaxError: invalid syntax 回复 1楼 2024-05-15 11:03 IP属地:海南 zjf121348 吧主 13 可能是py版本太...
README matlab-formatter README Indent and format MATLAB code. Also usable as standalone without VScode. Requirements python 3 Extension Settings matlab-formatter.indentwidth: number of spaces used for indentation Languages Python93.9% MATLAB6.1%
Rather then writing my own, I use the ability to call java from matlab. Example: NumberFormatter(1e4*rand(5,1),'0,000.000') ans = '7,452.920' '6,511.113' '4,545.918' '5,231.557' '5,120.765' To utilize with plotting: plot(1:5,2:6); XTicksVec=str2num(get(gca,'XTick...
MBeautifier is a lightweight M-Script based MATLAB source code formatter usable directly in the MATLAB Editor. Main features Padding operators and keywords with white spaces Configurable indentation character and level. Indentation using the Smart Indent functionality of the MATLAB Editor ...
MATLAB Independent, Small & Safe, High Integrity Tools - code formatter and more - florianschanda/miss_hit
It is planned to make MBeautifier also usable in Octave, by starting a new development branch using Java/Kotlin (versions 2.). The MATLAB based branched will be developed in branch versions (1.).About MBeautifier is a MATLAB source code formatter, beautifier. It can be used directly in th...