Your username does not match the username in the license file. To run MATLAB on this computer, you must run the Activation client to reactivate your license. 提示username和license file不匹配,需要重新激活 解决方法: 进入安装目录,找到激活程序cd /usr/local/MATLAB/R2020b/bin 运行激活程序./activate...
Your username does not match the username in the license file. To run MATLAB on this computer, you must run the Activation client to reactivate your license. 原因在于sudo操作更改了用户名为root,导致用户名不匹配。解决办法如下: step1:重新激活matlab 采用用户名为root $ cd /usr/local/MATLAB/R2019...
Your username does not match the username in the license file. To run on this computer, you must run the Activation client to reactivate your license. Troubleshoot this issue by visiting: ...
Your username does not match the username in the license file. (我太难了) 解决方法: 此处赋予权限的方法为,在终端输入: sudochownusername -R ~/.matlab 注意修改 username 为自己的 ubuntu 用户名。 正确操作步骤 确保激活许可的用户名正确,若不正确重新激活。 sudo chown username -R ~/.matlab赋予权限。
4.安装界面出现,over 二、Matlab 使用: 打开终端。 2.输入cd /usr/local/MATLAB/R2020b/bin 3.输入 ./matlab 三、Problem: 出现: MATLAB is selecting SOFTWARE OPENGL rendering. License checkout failed. License Manager Error -9 Your username does not match the username in the license file. ...
Yourusername does not match the username in the license file. Torun MATLAB on this computer, youmust run the Activation client to reactivate your license. Troubleshootthis issue by visiting: ...
Your username does not match the username in the license file. To run on this computer, you must run the Activation client to reactivate your license. Troubleshoot this issue by visiting: 댓글 수: 0 ...
回答(1 件) Astha Singh2019 年 6 月 3 日 0 リンク 翻訳 To resolve this issue, you can try reactivating MATLAB using the correct host ID/Username. Please follow the below mentioned answers to do the same: What is a Host ID? How do I find my Ho...
[id, type, x, y, width, height, angle] = textread('C:\Users\MyUsername\data',... '%d%d%d%f',... 'headerlines', 3); The current setup is functional with minimal effort. Nevertheless, the Matlab documentation proposes replacingtextreadwithtextscan. It would be advisable to take this in...
The login information is not related to the system's username and password. This information is stored in the user preferences file and is not required again when using COMSOL with MATLAB. The same login information can be used when exchanging the model object between the COMSOL server and the...