matlab table 数据可以直接通过writetable写入到csv文件或xls文件,含有表头。 writetable(St_Cy_err,'tmp.csv')writetable(St_Cy_err,'tmp.xls') 或者通过xlswrite,将matlab table直接写入到Excel文件,要求数据是cell或者矩阵,需要进行中间转换一下。 已知table数据 T 原始数据 2. 执行一下代码,即可写入excel C=...
filename — Name of file to write string Name of file to write, specified as a string. If filename does not exist, xlswrite creates a file, determining the format based on the specified extension. To create a file compatible with Excel 97-2003 software, specify an extension of .xls. To...
把不必要的,比如adobe foxit软件都禁用com就行。 2、解决了之后就可以根据help文件里面的程序开始将.mat文件中的数据存入excel当中。 参考程序: %% To make sure there is no error when using xlswrite % to disable all the com add-in program %% xls recognition result write in filename = 'MSR_Action_...
3、将数据写入Excel——xlswrite Matlab自带帮助文档中xlsread函数的介绍与用法: xlswrite - Write Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file This MATLAB function writes array A to the first worksheet in Excel file, filename, starting at cell A1. xlswrite(filename,A) xlswrite...
nextRow);%thistells excel where to stick itxlswrite(fname,newData,sname,range)%write thenewdata...
%# to the string ends data = cellfun(@(x) {deblank([x{:}])},data); %# Concatenate the inner cells and %# remove the trailing newlines现在每个字符串的单元格数组只是一个长字符串,每个字符串都可以写入Excel电子表格的单元格,如下所示:xlswrite('data.xls',data(:),'Sheet1','...
Step 1: The first step is to create a COM server which runs the Excel Application. Collapse|Copy Code Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application'); This assumes that the Excel Application is installed in your system. If Excel is not installed, this statement will give an error. You can put ...
开启Excel 的 COM 服务器: e = actxserver('Excel.Application'); 打开一份Excel表,也称工作簿(Workbook)。 ewb = e.Workbooks.Open(excel_name); ⚠注意 excel_name 必须为绝对路径!!! 选择一个Sheet: % 方法1 sheet1 = ewb.Worksheets.Item(1); % 方法2 sheet1 = ewb.Worksheets.Item('Sheet1'...
Hello. I need to write a table from within matlab to an excel sheet. Right now, this is the code I have: writetable(Check_AirTemp, filename,'Sheet', 3) Where the table being inputted has columns and rows. I am looking to the best way to add column headers in excel for each of...